Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Big_Bro_Slig222
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 01-19-2005, 05:43 PM
: 122
: 81,907
The thesaurus is your friend. Learn to love it. ...

The thesaurus is your friend. Learn to love it.

When you first write something out, don't mull over some details that your having trouble with. Put something out there and keep on moving. That...
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 01-19-2005, 03:47 PM
: 3
: 1,024
part 1. ---------- “Come den,...

part 1.


“Come den, it’s time.”

The thing in the cell blinked sheepishly, and then it grinned. It’s teeth brought up thoughts of sharks and other more savage-minded...
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-17-2005, 11:00 AM
: 49
: 7,707
Aye, it doesn't matter what you look like. I'm...

Aye, it doesn't matter what you look like. I'm one of the biggest geeks of my class for god-sakes and my gal is leaps and bounds above what would seem to be my appropriate "range". (As well as most...
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-17-2005, 10:56 AM
: 61
: 4,232
I'm doing so right now.

I'm doing so right now.
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-15-2005, 03:43 PM
: 49
: 7,707
I call my girlfriend either Em (short for Emma),...

I call my girlfriend either Em (short for Emma), or hon.
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-07-2005, 05:26 PM
: 34
: 2,268
England, somewhere near Nottingham perhaps.

England, somewhere near Nottingham perhaps.
: Non-Oddworld Art & Literature 01-05-2005, 05:41 PM
: 3
: 1,024
Pious (story)

Hopping out of lurk mode to post the intro of a little story I'm starting. I won't say what setting it's set in, fans of a certain something will pick it out real fast at a certain point here....
: Off-Topic Discussion 01-04-2005, 04:57 PM
: 85
: 2,943
I will say the same as Languor. I have found...

I will say the same as Languor. I have found love, and it's awesome. :)
: Off-Topic Discussion 12-05-2004, 04:33 AM
: 44
: 2,416
Some kids really need an asskicking.

Some kids really need an asskicking.
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-24-2004, 10:26 AM
: 251
: 19,186
I was raised Roman Catholic (and went to a...

I was raised Roman Catholic (and went to a Catholic elementary school.) but am becoming more and more agnostic, so I was influenced at an early age that homosexuality is against my religion. I never...
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-22-2004, 11:30 AM
: 17
: 1,019
About the week/week and 1/2 surrounding Christmas.

About the week/week and 1/2 surrounding Christmas.
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-22-2004, 11:26 AM
: 22
: 1,232
Apparently a class action lawsuit is pending, so...

Apparently a class action lawsuit is pending, so it is near to or as bad as the woman says.
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-21-2004, 04:46 PM
: 6
: 700
Cartoons in general seem to be going downhill....

Cartoons in general seem to be going downhill. The only good one I've seen is Megas XLR, the videogame spoofs and anime satires really help the show, but the fact that they're on Cartoon Network and...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 11-21-2004, 01:16 PM
: 1,184
: 30,910
I played my first game of Halo2 yesterday, and I...

I played my first game of Halo2 yesterday, and I wasn't really stunned. It's ok and all, but it seems like Echoes and HL2 have it beaten in concept, plot, and playability. Anyone else not very wooed...
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-21-2004, 01:12 PM
: 54
: 2,235
Rammstein. Engel is the best song I've ever...

Rammstein. Engel is the best song I've ever heard.

You and me against the world, Xav. :D
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-19-2004, 05:16 PM
: 26
: 1,012
Ranch dressing is a gift from the gods, you...

Ranch dressing is a gift from the gods, you heathens.
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-17-2004, 10:56 AM
: 100
: 3,444
It also pisses debachury.

It also pisses debachury.
: Necrum Burial Grounds 11-17-2004, 10:53 AM
: 797
: 48,972
Last; Korn - Blind Now; Korn - Freak On A Leash...

Last; Korn - Blind
Now; Korn - Freak On A Leash
Next; Rammstein - Hallelujah
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-17-2004, 09:21 AM
: 3
: 765
Metroid Prime; Echoes

I just got Echoes, and I must say, Master Chief can suck it. :spin:

The game itself is much more difficult than Prime. The new foe of the game are the Ing, these bastards put space pirates to...
: Necrum Burial Grounds 11-17-2004, 09:13 AM
: 797
: 48,972
Rammstein - Engel "God-damn not an angel...

Rammstein - Engel

"God-damn not an angel when I die."
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-15-2004, 03:45 PM
: 5
: 751
Man, if they had aired this instead of Bill Ny...

Man, if they had aired this instead of Bill Ny the Science Guy, I would have had something to watch.
: Off-Topic Discussion 11-15-2004, 03:44 PM
: 100
: 3,444
Fear of megalodon attacks while in the shower. ...

Fear of megalodon attacks while in the shower.

Say what you will, those f*ckers can swallow you whole.
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 09-07-2004, 03:53 PM
: 160
: 16,101
In no particular order... Mario Starfox ...

In no particular order...

: Necrum Burial Grounds 09-05-2004, 12:57 PM
: 797
: 48,972
Pantera - Planet Caravan. If you haven't...

Pantera - Planet Caravan.

If you haven't heard it, try and download it or summat. Damn good stuff.
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-05-2004, 09:11 AM
: 120
: 15,693
I'd like to meet Mac, since he's like my...

I'd like to meet Mac, since he's like my seperated-at-birth twin. Most likely the evil one. In which case we'd have to duel to the death.

Also, Rexy, Muse, Ferril, etc.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-29-2004, 11:53 AM
: 40
: 2,232
Guns & Roses, for Sympathy for the Devil. They've...

Guns & Roses, for Sympathy for the Devil. They've made some other good ones, but SftD is probably their best work.
: Necrum Burial Grounds 08-29-2004, 10:46 AM
: 797
: 48,972
FF7 - One Winged Angel (Orchestrated)

FF7 - One Winged Angel (Orchestrated)
: Necrum Burial Grounds 08-29-2004, 09:04 AM
: 797
: 48,972
Loreena McKennit - The Mummer's Dance.

Loreena McKennit - The Mummer's Dance.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-26-2004, 10:08 AM
: 15
: 731
What exactly is this Sudeki game?

What exactly is this Sudeki game?
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-24-2004, 03:30 PM
: 16
: 835
I played it for a few days about 2 years ago,...

I played it for a few days about 2 years ago, then my brain kicked in a realized the whole thing was pig sh*t, so I quit. I look into it occasionally to see what madness the site is doing now, and to...


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