Thoughts on Sudeki(or a list of games that you should buy instead of it.)
Wow. Sudeki. Wow. It sucks so badly that I'm having a hard time writing this post. It's awful. Lets see, a group of "heroes" that pretty much look like they waltzed on-screen from a "classy" titty bar, a throwaway story, bizarre My Little Pony-esque graphics, and a 50 dollar price tag. What's good about the game:The fighting is pretty sweet and fluid. What's bad. Everything else. This game is like a really, really bad and soft porno wrapped in some decent brawling.
Now, on to the other part of the thread. Games you should get over this pile of dog feces. And to top it all off, I'll start it off with a handful of deserving RPGS! Weee!
Fable: With the money used to purchase Suckdeki you could have bought this, a game that looks like it will be one of the best RPGS of all time. Even if it doesn't live up to the hype it should be better than the aforementioned piece of dog feces
Jade Empire:An even better fight scheme with better graphics and a storyline that isn't pathetic? Yup, and now if you've bought Sudeki you'll really be kicking yourself in the ass!
Forgotten Realms demonstone. Another game with the same concept except its got some beefcake, hack-em'up characters(Sweet!), gorgeous visuals(sweeter) and an awesome storyline based on D & D(sweetest!)
Gladius Great RPG with nice visuals and to top it off it only costs 20 bucks brand new!
Other games to buy instead of Sudeki
Espn Football 2k5
Halo 2
Half Life 2
Metal Slug 3 and eventually 4 and 5
Guilty Gear X# Reload:The Midnight Carnival. Crappy title. Bitchin' franchise.
Gods of War
Metal Arms:A Glitch in the System
Armed and Dangerous.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.