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: Posts Made By: ANN NEELY
: Oddworld Discussion 12-05-2010, 01:31 AM
: 110
: 10,871
Hi, Alf! We all missed you a lot! : D It's...

Hi, Alf!

We all missed you a lot! : D It's great to hear from you!
: Oddworld Discussion 07-16-2010, 02:37 PM
: 395
: 58,693
Hey, I came back after so many years just to...

Hey, I came back after so many years just to express my excitement. It's been difficult waiting for so long, but it's all paying off.
If we could only get some pics or a trailer...
: Oddworld Discussion 07-01-2009, 10:32 AM
: 129
: 13,153
I'm quite interested to see how these all tie in...

I'm quite interested to see how these all tie in with the Abe's Oddysee film....
: Oddworld Discussion 03-20-2008, 04:42 PM
: 17
: 4,698
I thought most CGI movies were made to keep small...

I thought most CGI movies were made to keep small children preoccupied for a couple of hours.

I myself was a bit worried when I read about who would be in charge of the CG for Citizen Siege, but...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-08-2007, 03:42 PM
: 41
: 2,461
<i>Grave of the Fireflies</i> had me severely...

<i>Grave of the Fireflies</i> had me severely depressed for about a month after I watched it; I was sobbing at the end. It's a very powerful movie for an anime. Some parts of <i>Schindler's List</i>...
: Off-Topic Discussion 09-06-2007, 02:30 AM
: 46
: 2,918
The name Amalthea has always appealed to me for...

The name Amalthea has always appealed to me for horses, although I'm not sure why.
: Necrum Burial Grounds 08-20-2007, 06:08 PM
: 416
: 28,103

Mr. SimonAlt's Music (Videogame remixes)
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie"...
: Necrum Burial Grounds 08-12-2007, 02:57 PM
: 416
: 28,103
The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts...

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts (http://www.ancientx.com/nm/anmviewer.asp?a=75&z=1)
I thought this was rather interesting.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-11-2007, 07:33 PM
: 1,608
: 184,470
I saw <i>Harry Potter and the Order of the...

I saw <i>Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix</i> and highly enjoyed it. It's taken me two years to get to page 178 in the book (I keep losing interest), but the movie was really well made....
: Oddworld Discussion 08-08-2007, 09:08 PM
: 115
: 23,995
I almost cried as well when I saw that, and...

I almost cried as well when I saw that, and immediately recognized the pictures as being similar to pictures in The Art of Oddworld book.
It does seem strange that they're all ready planning that,...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-08-2007, 09:05 PM
: 85
: 5,074
I know I'm going to sound whiny, but not all...

I know I'm going to sound whiny, but not all Goths worship Satan and slit their wrists. It's a common misconception that I've gotten rather sick of.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-07-2007, 03:39 PM
: 85
: 5,074
About 40% of my school's student populace is made...

About 40% of my school's student populace is made up of wiggers. We use them for entertainment.
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-05-2007, 08:43 PM
: 1,608
: 184,470
I just watched The Last Unicorn...

I just watched The Last Unicorn (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Unicorn_%28film%29) for the first time in roughly ten years. Still an amazing film, and it really brought back memories from my...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-04-2007, 01:24 PM
: 1,608
: 184,470
I watched <i>Bicentennial Man</i> and really...

I watched <i>Bicentennial Man</i> and really enjoyed it. Although it did remind me tremendously of Chobits (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chobits).

I've just returned from seeing the <i>Simpson's...
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-04-2007, 07:43 AM
: 85
: 5,074
I hate cheerleaders. God almighty, I <i>hate</i>...

I hate cheerleaders. God almighty, I <i>hate</i> cheerleaders.
Pet Peeves:
* New-fangled H.P Lovecraft movies that have nothing to do with the story, but take the name anyway
: Off-Topic Discussion 08-02-2007, 11:29 AM
: 46
: 3,458
I enjoy horror books, although I have a hard time...

I enjoy horror books, although I have a hard time finding ones I like. I like humor books, such as the ones written by David Sedaris and George Carlin. I've been getting into H.P Lovecraft's science...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-26-2007, 01:34 PM
: 282
: 36,293
I find sexual behavior and relationships utterly...

I find sexual behavior and relationships utterly unappealing, and consider myself asexual, although a few friends think that I'm just being "bitter" to couples.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-26-2007, 01:28 PM
: 34
: 2,006
Coincidentally, I did that for the past few days,...

Coincidentally, I did that for the past few days, in order to get some comic pages finished (I can draw better at night, for some odd reason). Last night I gave myself a much-deserved rest.
I'd like...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-23-2007, 02:38 PM
: 1,608
: 184,470
That may very well be the longest link I've ever...

That may very well be the longest link I've ever seen.

I forgot that I saw <i>Ratatouille</i> the other day, and enjoyed it, much like most of Pixar's movies (except Cars and The Incredibles, I...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-23-2007, 02:34 PM
: 28
: 2,494
Oh so true. I'm sick of seeing those retarded...

Oh so true. I'm sick of seeing those retarded kids everyday. However, It's <i>not</i> as bad as Garfield, the true low of cartooning.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-22-2007, 05:49 PM
: 28
: 2,494
Calvin and Hobbes has been an all-time favorite...

Calvin and Hobbes has been an all-time favorite since first grade. It embodies the time when cartooning was an art, not an easy way to make a quick buck. Bill Watterson truly understood paneling and...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-22-2007, 04:28 PM
: 1,608
: 184,470
I just returned from seeing <i>Transformers</i8>,...

I just returned from seeing <i>Transformers</i8>, and it was a lot better than I had expected. It wasn't outlandishly action-y, and had a nice balance between it and humor. I'm kind of glad they're...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-20-2007, 12:48 PM
: 64
: 4,710
I bet J.K Rowling is going to be awfully relieved...

I bet J.K Rowling is going to be awfully relieved to have this series over with. She can finally get back to her life.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-20-2007, 09:03 AM
: 56
: 3,827
Yeah. I've got a <i>lot</i> of free time. I quite...

Yeah. I've got a <i>lot</i> of free time. I quite enjoyed it, myself.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-20-2007, 09:01 AM
: 43
: 3,601
I'm aware of that, but aren't reptiles and...

I'm aware of that, but aren't reptiles and amphibians related?
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-19-2007, 09:56 AM
: 66
: 6,015
What the Hell is that? I don't believe I've ever...

What the Hell is that? I don't believe I've ever heard of it.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-19-2007, 09:55 AM
: 56
: 3,827
Surprisingly, no. It was kind of a mix of all the...

Surprisingly, no. It was kind of a mix of all the ways I see him depicted. Like a South Park/JTHM/Bible/Dante's Inferno thing. It's hard to explain.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-19-2007, 09:53 AM
: 43
: 3,601
True dat. My old science teacher had a couple...

True dat. My old science teacher had a couple that I thought were the best things ever. Reptiles in general are freakin' sweet.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-18-2007, 09:37 PM
: 66
: 6,015
3/4ths of my family are IZ fans, and I still...

3/4ths of my family are IZ fans, and I still enjoy watching old episodes (although all the stupid fangirls are getting rather irritating, not to mention Hot Topic's raperaperaping of it). There seems...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-18-2007, 09:32 PM
: 56
: 3,827
I remember having a dream about working at a...

I remember having a dream about working at a bookstore and Satan coming up the counter and buying a book on yoga. I stopped sleeping in general for over four hours at a time after that.


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