Axolotls kick hard ass.
Damn you, Mox.Co, for living in a country with more wild reptiles than that one lizard in our back garden.
Oh, yeah, that :P
I awhile ago, dad bought it home 'cause it had fallen into his pit (he's a mechanic, the pit is a hole in the floor under the car). We kept it for a night or two, but it didn't seem to eat what we tried to give it (it's so damn small!), so we released it in the end out in the garden in some long grass. About a fortnight (maybe more) later, I...saw it again. Almost exactly where we released it.
Since, I have seen it a couple more times round the same area in the garden.
I released it least a month ago? And it's still milling about in exactly the same spot. Yayz.
Also, I ended up with a frog in a similar situation in our old house's pond. I often would pick it up, sit it on the side and it wouldn't move while I collected worms from under the rocks around the pond to feed him. I called it Frank. I recognised it among the others as it seemed to have some sort of hole in his looked like bone showing through, a small white patch. It was dead thing when I found him at first, too, but he soon improved.