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Posted 09-03-2012 at 10:30 PM by Spooce-aholic
What is wrong with my copy of Chessmaster 9000 (view attatchments)?

In case you're wondering, I was playing as white.
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Classic Drunk Joe

Posted 09-03-2012 at 04:43 PM by Strike Witch
Teh Joe says:
I have to thingy in the morning
I filled out two job apps while drunk
One was to be a surgical assitant
That was probably a bad idea
The man sure knows how to party.
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I beat up some dumb immigrant

Posted 09-03-2012 at 01:45 PM by Mac Sirloin
Riding the 2AM bus downtown sunday, skinny dude fucked up on something or other boards and sits down on a wheel well marked "unsafe do not sit." Driver stops bus, asks guy to sit in a seat or just stand in the aisle. Guy stands up, bus moves, sits down again. Driver stops the bus and asks him again, he ignores her. I stand up and ask him to take a seat so we can get a move on. He says he doesn't care. I tell him I don't give a shit if he doesn't care brilliant, if he sits down I will too. He grabs...
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Fuck Lorne.

Posted 09-01-2012 at 08:32 AM by Mac Sirloin
I have two far-leaning politically vocal people on facebook. One is Doug Tennapel; Christian, Republican, Chestertonian (fucksakes) but still an approachable, fairly friendly man. He's the guy responsible for Creature Tech and Earthworm Jim and a bunch of other things. I like Doug. I like his art, I like his stories, and I like his general positivity. Posts about his family a lot, very rarely boards a soapbox and when he does he can be just as crazy and inept as anyone else, but rarely is. Far as...
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No more Mr. Nice Nye

Posted 08-30-2012 at 12:33 PM by Sekto Springs
Bill Nye goes epic apeshit on Todd Akin for being "fucking retarded".

I'm glad Bill Nye is as cool in real life as he was on TV.
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Christmas Begins Today!

Posted 08-28-2012 at 01:45 PM by Splat
I always say that Christmas begins the first day I see an advert for it.

Today it was a trailer for a Christmas-related film that I saw in the cinema and didn't absorb the name of.

Also, I saw Brave! It's exactly my kind of film; I loved it! <3 fairy tales.

So anyway, Merry Christmas, all. (Sorry it's late - last year Christmas started in May.)
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Direct3D in Oracle Virtual box/VMware

Posted 08-27-2012 at 11:49 AM by Spooce-aholic
Updated 08-27-2012 at 06:42 PM by Spooce-aholic
I decided to try VMware player instead of Oracle Virtual Box. I preffer VMware because it has this thing called VMware tools, which are hardware drivers for the guest OS (I think).

That is cool because I can switch the guest OS to full screen and the resolution of the guest OS will be the max resolution of my monitor.

Unfortunately, it doesn't add DirectX/Direct3D support. Fortunately, there are a few solutions to this problem.
  1. Purchase VMware Workstation
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Uncle John's Obituary

Posted 08-26-2012 at 04:25 PM by MeechMunchie
Updated 08-26-2012 at 04:37 PM by MeechMunchie
This blog is lovingly dedicated to my Uncle John.

Firstly, he's not actually my uncle; he's my great-uncle, my father's mother's brother. However, despite a 30-year age gap, there's not really much distinction in terms of their relationship with the most recent generation of a family.

John Osman was a thoroughly charming man. His life was exciting, and his horizons broad. An open mind and a calm, good-humoured demeanour made him a pleasure to be around, for me and all...
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Cleverbot wants to kill me.

Posted 08-25-2012 at 01:03 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 08-25-2012 at 02:02 PM by Nepsotic
It's safe to assume that Cleverbot knows a fair bit about PewDiePie, ponies, Doctor Who and Portal.

I'm so lonely.
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An entire forum's fingers, snapping all at once.

Posted 08-25-2012 at 12:12 AM by Daxter King
A guardian gone and laid to rest. A plague running rampant through worlds of Odd and Even alike, a mistress cloned and fertilized. A man made of meat, made tender by the on going destruction of his homeland. Alliances drawn and enemies made known. A skeleton remains and laughs, laughs at all who are left. The ones who surpassed and overcame the event, "The Great Poppening", they know the pain of the ones who passed. Through a message short, but not without meaning, the ground shook and the weak...
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