Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Dark_Whitty_666
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-15-2002, 07:31 PM
: 15
: 1,649
Ive only got Ocarina of time and Links Awakening....

Ive only got Ocarina of time and Links Awakening. so Ocarina is oviously my fav.

Has anybody heard of a rumor that you can obtain the tri force :fuzconf: i have seen pics where on the status...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-15-2002, 07:00 PM
: 102
: 5,196
Native Yea pinky you did say that about homosexuals,...

Yea pinky you did say that about homosexuals, what do you mean it was an example and you didnt say nothing about it??? I dont think we read it fast i think you typed it fast.
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-14-2002, 11:14 PM
: 102
: 5,196
Yes i know about the contraception thing. its...

Yes i know about the contraception thing. its somthing else i would have gone into but desided not too because too much had been sed already, but i will go on now anyway

You sed
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-14-2002, 10:30 PM
: 102
: 5,196
Sad Oh no, its my old PSRE lesson all over again!!! ...

Oh no, its my old PSRE lesson all over again!!!

there are endless views on this topic, most of them just contradict each other. Also you cant realy be certain of everything. is a foetus realy...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-14-2002, 09:34 PM
: 33
: 2,480
Post I seen it now :fuzblink: for some reason the pic...

I seen it now :fuzblink: for some reason the pic just kept showing up as the dreaded red cross, but now its working.

I always imagined the eyes to be like that, why else would they have the...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-14-2002, 08:22 PM
: 33
: 2,480
Blind MunchOnThis : Nah, but i realy wanna. i think...

MunchOnThis :
Nah, but i realy wanna. i think sombody put a link up in one of the threads to a pic of one but it wouldn't let me view the site. Is it posible for sombody to insert the image here...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-14-2002, 03:33 PM
: 12
: 1,171
Mad E-mail

I cant stand e-mail, id rather just talk to people on msn then use e-mail. The only time i ever e-mail sombody is to tell them to stop sending me stupid and pointless chain letters that just fill up...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-14-2002, 02:52 PM
: 10
: 998
Sad 4!!!! plz give me 4!!!! :fuzsad: If I was to...

4!!!! plz give me 4!!!! :fuzsad:
If I was to get 4 i would change my avatar to somethin more happy.
: Oddworld Discussion 02-13-2002, 10:40 PM
: 33
: 2,480
Dead Yea! i mean just look at the gluckons. they cant...

Yea! i mean just look at the gluckons. they cant do anything cept walk and talk. the only thing sligs lack is brain power. mabe they never thought of the idea of taking over, or mabe in there...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-13-2002, 10:09 PM
: 10
: 1,257
Sad I voted over 5 hours. i havent got nuthing else...

I voted over 5 hours. i havent got nuthing else to do and im kinda addicted. one time i remember being online for 12 hours in one day. Computer games and the internet has kinda had a bad effect on my...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-13-2002, 09:42 PM
: 33
: 2,480
I voted for sligs :fuzblink: They have...

I voted for sligs :fuzblink:

They have robot legs, they can fly, they have guns and grenades, they get pumped with steroids, they have a kool voice, they have a funny laugh, you get to control...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-13-2002, 09:32 PM
: 5
: 1,095
Native Yes i was like that when i first started coming...

Yes i was like that when i first started coming here, not owning MO made it a bit confusing with all the new names. im getting to grips with them now.

: Oddworld Discussion 02-13-2002, 09:35 AM
: 19
: 1,634
Dead yep definatly, thats pretty sick thing to say....

yep definatly, thats pretty sick thing to say. but forget it now ok
: Oddworld Discussion 02-13-2002, 09:30 AM
: 21
: 2,387
what the hell?? i dunno how this thing works, i...

what the hell?? i dunno how this thing works, i only been ere about a week. so just cuz i post in a old forum it gets drags all the way to the front of the list????
: Oddworld Discussion 02-12-2002, 11:24 PM
: 25
: 2,317
Sad How can you people say nasty things about...

How can you people say nasty things about fleeches, they are so cute. id love my own pet fleech to love and hug.

i wonder if anybody ever does come back to these old forums
: Oddworld Discussion 02-12-2002, 11:20 PM
: 19
: 1,634
Blind Man there is somat messed up in ur head oddbod...

Man there is somat messed up in ur head oddbod :fuzconf:
: Oddworld Discussion 02-12-2002, 11:06 PM
: 21
: 2,387
Native wow this was from a long time ago, i wonder if...

wow this was from a long time ago, i wonder if anybody will actualy see this post :fuzconf: :fuzconf: :fuzconf:

Its kinda funny lookin at what Nibkeit sed and now we know that aint got no sexual...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-12-2002, 10:15 PM
: 4
: 1,009
Welcome K'Spoosh :fuzblink: Do you play...

Welcome K'Spoosh :fuzblink:

Do you play the oddworld games :fuzconf: If so who do you think is uglyer Abe or Micheal Jackson???
: Oddworld Discussion 02-12-2002, 10:01 PM
: 18
: 1,001
Native I dunno who it is, alf is the only other mudoken...

I dunno who it is, alf is the only other mudoken i know who has a name. Gluk Schmuck i dont think it is abe, look at the picture.
there is soul storm brew in the background but there is no tattoo on...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-12-2002, 08:23 PM
: 12
: 1,370

Man that is low!!! that is a realy sick thing to do. Is it realy true???
i just cant belive that, id be well chuffed if they used one of my idea's. The emotions was one of the best features from...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-12-2002, 12:59 PM
: 12
: 1,370
Post I bet OWI do read these forums, after all they...

I bet OWI do read these forums, after all they need to know what the fans think and this is linked to the oddworld site. I hope they do read this so they realise what people want and make future...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-11-2002, 04:31 PM
: 28
: 2,783
Oddworld Not realy

Nah i just get very bored somtimes so i look around for stuff.
anyway there aint no real meaning for the pentagram. Some people belive that it is a symbol of christianity and what God made, but if...
: Oddworld Discussion 02-11-2002, 03:56 PM
: 28
: 2,783

Has anybody seen this sort of pattern before


It may be a long shot but could the heros of oddworld follow this pentagram?

Abe would count as...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-10-2002, 10:51 PM
: 59
: 2,236
Mad This forum is mad. Ghosts and demons aint real!!!...

This forum is mad. Ghosts and demons aint real!!! its all just a fragment of your imagination getting the better of you

Wait a minute.....

: Off-Topic Discussion 02-10-2002, 10:44 PM
: 25
: 2,157
Question I never saw much wrong with that thing going...

I never saw much wrong with that thing going across the bottom of dark hoods sig. it looked kinda intresting, shame it was a bit long and wasnt making real sence.

So does it mean that nobody can...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-10-2002, 09:57 PM
: 17
: 1,282
Question eh

what the hell is all that about :fuzconf: :fuzconf: :fuzconf:
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-10-2002, 09:54 PM
: 36
: 2,347
Drunk Rotten??

Did sombody mention a sertain rotten site???? naughty naughty
that place is messed up (as well as dead funny) some of my mates get sick from that place specialy with that new pic of the mouse...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-10-2002, 09:35 PM
: 35
: 2,494
Sephiroth Rules

Final fantasy 7 Ruled my life!!! i started staying in all the time playing it.

My 3 most fav characters are:

Since Final 7 i decided to not...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-10-2002, 08:47 PM
: 11
: 1,322

That video was kooool ! :lol:
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-10-2002, 06:55 PM
: 5
: 900
Native ok

Ok but i have the pic on a msn commuity. will it work from there? I read somwhere that u can't use msn. If not how else should i do it? sorry if im sounding dumb

Ere is a link to it ...


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