Haven't a clue. It varies a lot.
If I have a lazy day (in which I have nothing better to do all day), then I might spend the whole day online. This happens maybe once a month... But it usually depends on what else I have to do. If I can go out to the pub or somewhere with my friends, I'll do that. If I have homework to do, I'll do that (or spend all day avoiding doing that...). If I have neither of those things to do, I'll come online.
But even those things vary. Sometimes I will go out with friends every night of the week, but sometimes I will not go out at all. Usually it's somewhere in between, but it differs quite a lot...
On average, I'd say I spend about 2 hours online, three or four days a week. So that's [*mental maths*] about 7 hours a week, so it averages out at [*mental maths*] about 1 hour per day.
Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.