Aliens is the best film ever made you are a terrible person.
Aliens is a perfect demonstration of how James Cameron was the Michael Bay of the 80's (besides Michael Bay). I think I've already gone over why it's a terrible movie earlier in this thread. In a nutshell, it's a badly written cartoon that shat on everything that made the first one so memorable and provocative.
From there I'll segue into why Alien 3 is actually the best sequel, because it tried to restore the atmosphere of the first movie, plus it has outstanding characterization, subtle cinematography, and it's just downright well-scripted. Say what you will about the visual FX, they were pretty eye-opening for their time. My buddy actually mistook some of the Alien shots for CG, and was impressed when I told him it was actually a complex rod puppet shot on blue screen.
I challenge anyone here to actually watch both movies back to back (as I just did), ignoring what the internet tells you to think about them, and tell me definitively why Aliens is good and Aliens 3 isn't.
If we're talking from a strictly "movie magic" standpoint, Aliens has all the others beat by a mile. It has the most going on and the coolest special FX, but at the cost of the writing and atmosphere.