I recently had an argument with April about religion, and Abbey's exposure to it.
Abbey had heard someone talking about god at some point, and she asked me about it. I told her in very basic terms what the story was, and I told her why it wasn't real. April overheard me, and confronted me about it, saying that we should let her find out for herself what she believes in. I responded that while I am okay with her believing whatever she wants, I will be damned if I am not going to explain to my child the way that the world works. And furthermore, it isn't like Santa Claus, which is fun, innocent, and not harmful in any way. This is religion, which is disgusting, hateful, and a source of great pain all throughout human history.
To make a long story short (mostly because I was in a rage, and I can't remember most of the conversation), I ended it by saying that I will not be told to keep quiet about something which is so fundamental to who I am in my own home, and be damned to you if you ever ask me to again.
My bowels hurt.