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: Posts Made By: Annouka-BadCat
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-26-2006, 07:19 AM
: 85
: 4,305
Yeah, It was a really good one so far... *nods*...

Yeah, It was a really good one so far... *nods* the Absorbaloff one (whatever it was called) was a bit... er... strange, don't you think?
: Off-Topic Discussion 06-26-2006, 06:47 AM
: 85
: 4,305
*stands up. coughs* um... My name's Nouka and...

*stands up. coughs*
um... My name's Nouka and I'm a Dr Who addict.

Yes, I do believe I do XD
: Fan Corner 04-25-2006, 09:08 AM
: 43
: 2,150
Not if I nick it first you won't!:D *ahem* ...

Not if I nick it first you won't!:D

Anyway... that really rocks DE :D I luff it!
Still, I find the idea that Stranger could actually dance quite funny XD not that he could be any worse...
: Off-Topic Discussion 04-10-2006, 09:07 AM
: 47
: 2,960
I'm gonna bum off for most of the week, being...

I'm gonna bum off for most of the week, being lazy, playing video games, hogging the compy...
Couple-a days, I'll be out shoppin' with my family, and I might even lynch the camera and take some...
: Fan Corner 02-27-2006, 10:42 PM
: 356
: 19,770
Do we care? Honestly? ... Nah. Course not XD...

Do we care? Honestly?
Nah. Course not XD it's sweet, its cute and the mental image of Strange with an arrow in his butt is just... *bursts out laughing*
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-27-2006, 10:52 AM
: 20
: 1,738
Hehe, sorry DE, we don't mean it, honestly :D

Hehe, sorry DE, we don't mean it, honestly :D
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-27-2006, 10:06 AM
: 20
: 1,738
Hmm, mine... Worst: going into hospital and...

Hmm, mine...

Worst: going into hospital and finding out I was approx. four days away from dying of septicaemia (that is not a great thing to be told. Tis scary...)
Best: getting out of hospital...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-26-2006, 10:56 AM
: 122
: 9,770
Speaking of who rules the school, I think ours is...

Speaking of who rules the school, I think ours is a bit different.
And I speak for my school and my school only, because I'm pretty sure it's different elsewhere.

The skaters, goths, and...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-22-2006, 11:50 PM
: 122
: 9,770
YES. There is so many, I am sure there should...

There is so many, I am sure there should be a 'white, British' and an 'orange, British' ticky box on forms that ask for ethnicity.
In summer the orange dies down a bit when people start...
: Fan Corner 02-20-2006, 11:39 AM
: 356
: 19,770
Yeah yeah, that's what they all say XD ...

Yeah yeah, that's what they all say XD

Guess we're all evil around here :grin:
: Fan Corner 02-20-2006, 10:47 AM
: 356
: 19,770
Oh dear... yer as evil as I am Lobo... *in a...

Oh dear... yer as evil as I am Lobo...
*in a sing song voice* Bailey's for it now... doo de doo de do doo... :D
: Fan Corner 02-20-2006, 03:13 AM
: 356
: 19,770
Forever, I think XD It's their fault *points to...

Forever, I think XD
It's their fault *points to Maika and Stranger* they keep distracting me from readin' :D
: Fan Corner 02-20-2006, 12:16 AM
: 356
: 19,770
Fi-nal-ly, I've finished readin'. Tis awesome,...

Fi-nal-ly, I've finished readin'.
Tis awesome, I must say *finds her own pompoms*
Haigar and Baily are so cute! :D
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-19-2006, 11:26 PM
: 122
: 9,770
Yeah, that's pretty accurate, can't beat a good...

Yeah, that's pretty accurate, can't beat a good cup of tea in the morning, though there is a growing amount of coffee bars selling worryingly overpriced caffeine...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-19-2006, 11:33 AM
: 153
: 9,013
I haven't got a nemesis. Not one that I'm aware...

I haven't got a nemesis. Not one that I'm aware of anyway.
I don't think I've been here long enough to have acquired one yet... of course, if anyone wants to fill that spot...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-19-2006, 07:59 AM
: 73
: 5,207
:D wasps are pure evil, I'm sure.

:D wasps are pure evil, I'm sure.
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-19-2006, 01:17 AM
: 73
: 5,207
I don't know how they do it, but one minute...

I don't know how they do it, but one minute there's none of them, then the second all the doors and windows are locked there's loads inside, damn them.
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-19-2006, 12:15 AM
: 73
: 5,207
Um... mine is probably deep water because I'm not...

Um... mine is probably deep water because I'm not a strong swimmer and panic like hell if I can't feel the bottom >_< Good odd, I'm such a wuss.
I'm overly terrified of fluttering bugs like...
: Fan Corner 02-18-2006, 10:26 AM
: 172
: 15,251
*goes and looks again* Yep, yer right, he does...

*goes and looks again*
Yep, yer right, he does indeed.
How useful would that be? It lures 'em over then attacks them XD
: Fan Corner 02-18-2006, 10:19 AM
: 172
: 15,251
http://artpad.art.com/?iuwdm2x9szk It's...

It's supposed to be a chippunk, incase you can't tell.
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-18-2006, 09:56 AM
: 435
: 37,205
Hehe, it looks ok there I guess, but it's a...

Hehe, it looks ok there I guess, but it's a bit...silly. It's short and curly underneath and long and straight on top *decides against telling the very long story as to why*. Well, wavy at the minute...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-18-2006, 09:42 AM
: 435
: 37,205
Happy http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e67/Annouka-BC/w...

Aargh, my webcam is so rubbish. Look at the grainyness. Look at it! *shakes fist at webcam*
Anyway. Still have my long hair here, but...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-16-2006, 08:53 AM
: 74
: 4,204
Nah, yer right. I think. ^^;

Nah, yer right. I think. ^^;
: Oddworld Discussion 02-16-2006, 07:04 AM
: 17
: 1,586
Filthy Hands Floyd for me! *waves machine gun*...

Filthy Hands Floyd for me! *waves machine gun* Mwahahaha!!
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-15-2006, 11:32 AM
: 122
: 9,770
Happy That too. The only problem is to walk from...

That too.

The only problem is to walk from one end of the department store to the other, you have to pass through it. And get sprayed by every assistant holding a bottle of the latest perfume by...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-15-2006, 01:01 AM
: 122
: 9,770
Question I'm in rainy old Hartlepool up in the north of...

I'm in rainy old Hartlepool up in the north of England, and it's pretty much like this:

Illness - chicken soup of any kind is almost always prescribed by the old women. Everyone else goes to the...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-15-2006, 12:32 AM
: 74
: 4,204
In islam, it is forbidden to have a portayel of...

In islam, it is forbidden to have a portayel of the prophet Muhammed, for fear that Muslims might worship the image rather than Muhammed himself. That's what they were angry for - it is forbidden....
: Oddworld Discussion 02-14-2006, 01:52 AM
: 33
: 2,130
Post Well... I hope it IS for xbox, but I hope it's on...

Well... I hope it IS for xbox, but I hope it's on other platforms as well or all the folks who don't have xBoxes (or 360s, since it's more likely to appear on the newer generation console) can play...
: Off-Topic Discussion 02-09-2006, 09:33 AM
: 57
: 3,002
Phwee, its a bit of a long story. But to cut it...

Phwee, its a bit of a long story. But to cut it short, I WAS kila-the-dragon, but I changed it to Annouka because I was bored, basically. I wish I could change all my usernames because I have kind of...
: Fan Corner 02-07-2006, 01:01 PM
: 356
: 19,770
Happy :D hehe, I'd watch yer back Lobo, she gonna get...

:D hehe, I'd watch yer back Lobo, she gonna get you!


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