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This Is Serious!

It may, in fact, make you delirious.
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Posted 08-11-2009 at 09:12 PM by OANST
For those of you who are interested in seeing how many takes it took me to get Dr. Karl right, I present you with this.

Continue reading...
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That's it. I'm Leaving.

Posted 08-07-2009 at 12:59 PM by OANST
to go on vacation. I'll be going on the 17th. This is where I'll be staying:

Suck it, bitches.
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The Heartbreak Kid

Posted 08-03-2009 at 07:32 AM by OANST
I watched AI: Artificial Intelligence with Abbey and April yesterday. When the movie was over I looked at Abbey and noticed that her face was kind of scrunched up. I asked her if she was okay, and she replied with a very quiet "Yeah". I then saw a little tear stream down her cheek, so I told her that I also thought it was a very sad movie, and asked her if she wanted a hug.

She walked over to me, sat in my lap, put her head on my chest, and sobbed for a good five minutes. Broke my...
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OANST'S Foruming Advice

Posted 07-31-2009 at 01:54 PM by OANST
Updated 08-01-2009 at 06:10 AM by OANST
Hello, ladies and gentleman. First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you for having me here today. It is truly an honor. It isn't every day that you are asked to be the key note speaker at a forum as prestigious as this. So without further ado, I will instruct you on how to make the most of your forum experience.

First: Pick which forum you want to look at. This is more of a difficult choice for some than others. the thing that you have to understand is that not...
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Secret Mice Band

Posted 07-27-2009 at 01:26 PM by OANST
Updated 07-27-2009 at 01:28 PM by OANST
I bought a new painting.

It's here.

Eh, it doesn't take you straight to it. Click the button on the right that takes you to a new page of selections. It's the third painting on that page. The one called Secret Mice Band.
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The Devil's Arm Pit

Posted 07-17-2009 at 10:00 AM by OANST
I'm getting ready to leave for work this morning, and all of a sudden it occurs to me that I may have forgotten to put on deodorant. So naturally I stick my fingers into my armpit and feel around. The feeling that this causes is weird. I take my fingers out and smell them. I start gagging and almost retch on the floor. It is a very strange smell that came from there.

I had surgery in that arm pit a few years ago, and every once in a while it starts to hurt. But it's a weird kind of...
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Crazy People That Happen To Me VI

Posted 07-06-2009 at 08:03 AM by OANST
About a month and a half ago we hired a new salesman at my work. He seemed to be a pretty nice guy, but also a bit slow. He was constantly asking me to check his email, make him maps, and do all manner of things that he should be capable of doing himself. I finally had to explain to him that I am not his personal secretary, and that he needed to learn to do these things on his own. He shuffled his feet, said sorry, and explained that he thought that was my job. I explained that he couldn't be more...
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What I Just Did, Right This Fucking Second

Posted 06-13-2009 at 08:13 AM by OANST
I just bought a house in a wealthy neighborhood, with a fantastic school system, that is fifty percent bigger than my current house, and is on about three quarters of an acre of land. I did this for 38,500.00. I'm what you might call a shrewd negotiator.
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While I Was Out

Posted 06-13-2009 at 07:47 AM by OANST
A few things happened in my life while I was missing from the forums. For starters, my house was broken into. In broad daylight. On a Sunday. On mother's day. While April was sleeping in the back room. I assume that it was just some kid, who maybe wanted to mow our lawn, and noticed that the front door was unlocked, because all they took was Abbey's limited edition Pokemon ds that I had gotten her for her birthday.

Abbey and I had walked up to the corner store to buy some eggs and...
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Lego is fun for the whole family!

Posted 06-11-2009 at 01:46 PM by OANST
Seriously, it is. I have recently started buying the Lego Castle collection and building them with Abbey. We are having a good time. Yes, siree. I'm going to go buy the gigantic troll fortress tonight, and then shit will be totally the shit. I ain't fibbin'. No, siree.
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