Hello! I'm a disgusting lurker who's just this minute plucked up the courage to make her first post.
I'm 18, live in England, have been a big fan of Oddworld since Abe's Oddysee (which also happened to be the first game I ever played). I love all the games, even Munch but my favourite is probably Exoddus simply because it did so much right, as I'm sure many of you will attest to. The art book also deserves a special mention because of how wonderful it is.
I draw a lot of stuff, Oddworld and non-Oddworld related, which I can foresee myself posting in the fan corner if any of you are interested.
As for games, I'm very into the RTS genre right now so I'm pretty hyped for Hand of Odd, whenever it is released. My favourite games, Oddworld notwithstanding are: American McGee's Alice (the original), Serious Sam: The First/Second Encounter, Caesar 3, Shadow of the Colossus and Quake 3.
Thanks for reading. Hopefully I can be integrated without too much trouble.