It's the first time I've played Stranger's Wrath (not counting last xmas when i bought the oddbox and gave up playing it after like an hour when the graphical glitches pissed me off). At first, it seems too easy. Then a couple hours into it it starts to seem challenging, and that's when I began to like it as a game

Does anyone else find that the ammo switching method is a pain? I'd prefer to use L2 to scroll through the ammo for the left barrell, and R2 to scroll through the ammo loaded on the right barrell. Or maybe it just takes some getting used to and it's not actually that bad.. thoughts?
Also, I'd prefer if the pop-up messages didn't pause the game, or only paused the game when necessary. It's slightly annoying having the control of the character taken away from you when you're eager to get to grips with it at the start.
Glitch: Are you welcoming bug reporting? Major or minor?.. I found that the eyes on the fuzzle turn black sometimes. I'm guessing it's something to do with shadows. Their eyes just sort of 'switch off'.
Anyway, it's a very promising start to your numerous projects, I look forward to them ^^