This, seriously. I don't see why everyone is pooping it up about HL1, it's not a very good game.
All I'm saying that the plot of the two games don't really depend on eachother and thus HL2 can be enjoyed even without knowing HL1. I enjoyed playing HL1 back then, but upon completing the game twice, I don't really want to go through it once more in the near future.
Concerning graphics, I wasn't really bothered about it, mainly because I got to know classic CS before HL1, and back in the day, those graphics were awesome for me.
But really, good graphics is never a guarantee that you'll enjoy a game, unless you enjoy visuals more than gameplay. I'd choose the first two Doom games (probably Doom2, if I had to choose between the two - Super Shotgun ruled) over the third installment. They are all pretty much the same concept, all the way down to the "walking past wall, ligths go out, wall opens and demons ambush you" concept, but it was fast paced, enjoyable, and good if I wanted a brief game of shooting demons.