ok, i'll try...
the cow... I know, I'm an orignal genuis aren't I?
but seriouly, maybe we should have a template for these creatures, and I'm sure I've seen a thread like this before, but there's no point reviving one.
name: stroo
type: mammal, cross between roo and stag
image: fairly large, has large mooselike antlers and is four legged, but it's rear legs resembel kangaroos, while it's front legs are used to propell it'self, it has wolf like fangs, and is a deep orange, pink or violet in colour, it has no eyes, but a large nose and several small ears, it has a mane similar to lions.
bio: often hunted for game, wears prized moose-like antlers, horns said to have magical
properties, fairly common but only one speacies exists due to over hunting. lives in moutianous areas.
nature: small groups of males travel with large groups of males, and they are generally herbovores and peaceful, however lone males are carnivouris, stronger built and agreesive.
ok, that's mine, i'll get a picture later.