New Legislation Concerning Signatures
Effective one week from now (25/3/06), all signatures must be modified so that they comply with the new rules regarding signatures. These rules have been brought in to spruce up the forums' image, as the current state of signatures is rather messy and 'all-over-the-place'.
The first, and most obvious change is the allowed dimensions of the one image you are allowed in your signature. It has been changed from 400px by 125px (width by height) to 400px by 100px.
Secondly, the use of quotes in signature, whereby the [QUOTE] BBCode is used. It is obvious that this BBCode takes up more than one line. Therefore, this will now be taken into account. The allowed limit of 4 lines of text will remain the same, but a quote will count for 3 lines.
Finally, should a signature just appear overboard, etc, we have the right to make any modifications we see fit. It is our goal to shorten the height a signature occupies, so that the focus in threads is to read the posts, not be distracted by flashing-neon signatures.
Should members not comply with the new rules by the set date, they will have their signature priviledges stripped from them for a period of two weeks. So don't make this any harder than it has to be, guys. It's really simple, and it'll make the forums look a like tidier.