Consoles are limiting Oddworld in what they can do. I'm absolutely positively sure that Lorne and his crew can create a game that is so graphicly beautifull, so smooth and so perfect that it will leave the graphics of Call of Duty 2 lightyears behind them. Oddworld Inhabitants is and always will be the pioneer of 3D productions in the gaming industry and maybe even in the movie industry.
Problem is that you can only level a graphics engine so much. You can't exceed the consoles limits, or your costumers wallets. Cuz if OWI would switch back to PC, and they would create a game with the best possible graphics engine they can create, minimum specs for a game like that would require a 512MB video card, 4GB of RAM, 12GB of diskspace and one heck of a processor.
Well I dunno about you, but my wallet is probably empty for the rest of the month if I buy a 1GB RAM module. So no way anyone can afford a computer with maximum specs to run such an intense engine as Oddworld COULD produce.
Anyhoo, back to topic (was I not on topic? Whatever). No matter how powerfull a console is in one area, it can seriously restrict the engine in another. PS3 might have features the 360 doesn't have and vice versa, and from there it's a matter of which configuration best matches an Oddworld engine. But like I said, if you were to discard the bad parts of the consoles, and merge to good parts, you'd get a huge ass super console. But configurations like that these days only exist in PC form, for people with huge wallets.
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