Where the r2.lvl path numbers lead to!
Have you ever tried to edit RuptureFarms II?
Did you find it so hard to find the area you want, because the path file numbers are all jumbled up?...
Well, take a look at the list below, to find out what area of RuptureFarms II each path number leads you to, when using Paul's Editor 6.0 (thanks Paul ) to edit the level!
Path Number = Area of RuptureFarms II.
1 = Zulag 2, Hub/Start.
2 = Zulag 2, Door 1 (the one with the employee lounge).
3 = Zulag 2, Door 3 (the one with the 'BOOM' machine and trap door on the same screen).
4 = Zulag 4, First Part (the area with the 'RING FOR SERVICE' lever).
5 = Zulag 3, Door 2 (the one with the two moving bombs at the start).
7 = Zulag 3, Door 1 (the one with the falling meat and Shrykull).
8 = Zulag 4, Slog Kennels.
9 = Zulag 3, Door 3, Part 2 (the bit that starts with a 'BOOM' machine).
10 = Zulag 2, Door 2 (the one with the slog at the start that chases you).
11 = Zulag 4, Last Part (the area with the 'DO NOT TOUCH' button).
12 = Zulag 3, Door 3, Part 1 (the bit that has the three sligs to the left of a trap door).
13 = Zulag 3 Hub/Start.
14 = Zulag 4 Hub/Start.
15 = Zulag 1, First Part (the area you start RuptureFarms I in).
16 = Zulag 1, Second Part (the area that had falling meat in RuptureFarms I).
18 = Zulag 1, Third Part (the area with lots of meatsaws and entry to Zulag 2).
19 = Zulag 1, Fourth Part (the area you start RuptureFarms II in).
20 = Zulag 1, Fifth Part (the area you escape RuptureFarms I from, into the Stockyards).
I hope this is of great use to people who are trying to edit RuptureFarms II!