Level variations thread: Post + download new/edited levels here!
Please read the rules/guidelines (see below) before posting on this thread.
First of all: Many, many thanks to Paul and LIJI for their hard work making the level editors for us, and to others who have helped. Also, thanks to Chubfish for writing a brilliant tutorial on how to use LIJI’s editor. If it weren’t for these guys, none of this would be possible. :) This thread is for people to upload their edited levels (variations) for others to download and enjoy. Please use this thread as much as possible, so that we can all enjoy each other’s variations, and give good feedback on how variations can be improved. The tools and instructions needed for editing levels can be found on the ‘.lvl files’ thread: page #35/post#1,022 (for LIJI’s v2.0 editor), page #36/post #1,065 (for Chubfish’s tutorial for LIJI’s v2.0 editor) and page #47/post #1391 (for Paul’s v0.4 editor). RULES 1. If you are going to post a level, make sure that it is long and interesting enough for it to not be a waste of time. 2. Make sure that your upload is the .lvl file that is needed. E.g.: ‘e1.lvl’. Put the file into a .zip folder, then upload it. 3. If you have changed your variation slightly after posting it (e.g.: added a mine and moved a mudokon), then edit your original post instead of posting a new one. If you have edited, specify that you have done so. 4. You must not make your variation impossible! However, the very last screen of your variation may be impossible to make it clear where it ends. 5. You can give feedback for variations. Make sure it is clear whom you give feedback to. If the feedback is negative, make sure that you specify why you think the level is bad so that they know how to improve. :) WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR UPLOAD POST Ones in YELLOW you must do. You can do the other ones if you want to. 1. Make sure that you specify what game(s) + level(s) + area(s) you have edited. E.g.: ‘The edited levels are: Abe’s Exoddus, Slig Barracks, Block 3 and Slig Barracks, Ender.’ If you can’t specify an exact area of a level, say roughly how far through the level it is. E.g.: ‘The edited level is: Abe’s Oddysee, Paramonia, the middle part.’ Go into more detail if you need to. E.g.: ‘The edited level is: Abe’s Oddysee, RuptureFarmsII, Zulag 3, Door 2.’ Be as specific as possible, so that people are not wasting time trying to find the part(s) you have edited. Also, be clear to whether it is RuptureFarms I or II. 2. Specify which editor you are using, either Paul’s or LIJI’s. 3. Say who made the variation, or if anyone helped you, and give their name if possible. If you made it yourself, don’t bother with this bit. 4. Say how long the variation took you to make, so that we can appreciate the quality of the variation. E.g.: ‘This took me 3 hours in total.’ 5. Upload your .lvl file(s) onto it, of course. Make sure that it is/they are the appropriate one(s) for your variation. Put them into a .zip file, or put ‘.zip’ at the end of the file name if you want to. 6. Say roughly how difficult the variation is, if it were to be played normally without any cheating (i.e.: using the dd-cheat/no-clipping/abe_it_is_me_your_father, whatever you want to call it). Also, mention how much more difficult it is/if it is possible to save all of the mudokons or not on your variation. Use a term from the scale below so that we are all on the same scale of difficulty: - BEGINNER: Can be completed without any trouble. Equivalent difficulty to: RuptureFarms I. - EASY: Some may struggle with these ones, but they are still pretty easy in general. Equivalent difficulty to: Free Fire Zone/Wastelands after Stockyard Escape in AO. - MEDIUM: Not easy, but not hard. Many may struggle with these ones and your Oddworld skills will be tested. Equivalent difficulty to: Slig Barracks. - HARD: These variations may frustrate you! Some may not even be able to complete them. Your Oddworld skills will be strained. Equivalent difficulty to: The difficult Secret Areas we see in Exodus. - INSANE: You’ll be ripping your hair out trying to complete these ones! They are nearly impossible, but the ones who have mastered Oddworld may be able to get by… Equivalent difficulty to: No part of Oddworld is this difficult! These are more difficult than anything we’ve seen in Oddworld! NB: Don’t make them impossible! Try to vary the difficulties as much as possible guys. If you see loads of easy ones, and barely any harder ones, then try to make some harder ones. :) Please follow these rules/guidelines if you want to use this thread. It’s not difficult. The rules are there for a reason: so that this thread is really easy to use and so that everyone can fully appreciate each other’s variations. HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND PLAY ON OTHER PEOPLE’S VARIATIONS 1. Download the file(s) that you want (put them onto the desktop for now, for ease). 2. Unzip them, if they are in a .zip file. Or remove the file extension from the end of the file name (e.g.: ‘e1.lvl.zip’, just get rid of the ‘.zip’). 3. Important: If you haven’t already done so; go into the ‘Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee’ and ‘Oddworld Abe’s Exoddus’ folder, and all of the original .lvl files you see, copy them into a separate, safe folder so that you do not lose the original game files! If you don’t really know where the folders are, look in ‘C:\Program Files’. You should find them there if you haven’t moved them. 4. Replace the appropriate .lvl file(s) in your ‘Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee’ or ‘Oddworld Abe’s Exoddus’ folder with the one(s) that you have downloaded. 5. Now start up the game, find the area(s) that are edited, and enjoy! To quickly go to the appropriate level from the main menu screen (on either game), use the following cheat: While depressing [SHIFT], use the arrow keys to quickly press: down, right, left, right, left, right, left, up. Enjoy this thread guys. I very much look forward to us seeing and trying each other’s variations. Again: many thanks to those who have made this possible. :) Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or if there's anything you disagree with. Thank you, Jango – Oxford, UK. |
here,i made a lvl (starting lvl,mines first path) i think its easy,it took me an hour to make it,you would need ddcheat at a part of the 2nd secret lvl,cuz i transported the lever down,and there is the first secret door that are locked,they are unlocked with the first info! http://jumbofiles.com/qlq703h8okro/MI.rar.html try thiss one
find out :D its actually the first path...
But please try to be more specific to what levels/parts you have edited in the future; it makes it much easier for people to find and play the level. :) |
put the lvl in and start the game,you will see the differences :D
Just played it.
It was alright. Here comes the bad feedback: Sorry, but I can't say that it was particularly good. It was interesting to begin with, but not so much after that. However, considering this is the first ever variation on this thread and the tools are rather limited at the moment (it will be much better once we can add objects), you did a great job in my opinion! Well done. :) |
thanks :D
Thanks for the mention; I should probably put up my tut later.
I will upload some levels I've created here; I will have to say they aim to make Abe's Oddysee as unforgiving as possible (so borderline impossible/insane). Basically, think that Abe is escaping RuptureFarms, except Mullock knew everything he was going to do (and more evil stuff). I need to polish it up and maybe in a couple days I will release it.. |
Alright Jango lol. First bit of path 1 will come out in the next few hours.
EDIT: "Welcome back to Oddworld." Difficulty: Hard/Insane A couple screenshots: Exhibit A shows security has improved...slightly... http://filesmelt.com/dl/odhe11.png How do we get back? http://filesmelt.com/dl/odhe2.png Don't plunge others into freefall. http://filesmelt.com/dl/odhe3.png What the...? http://filesmelt.com/dl/odhe4.png ...just a small teaser for now, I have alot more planned than just these few screens. Feel free to question me about it though. |
nice path there chubfish :) im gonna make an insane rupture farms lvl,the one that will make your eye twitch in fury! hey jango remember that pack you and stm made to make custom lvls with ripping objects from cam files,if the cam import comes mabe we can make cams with this
I have a very very early going beta of the first section of the first path I'd like you guys to test out.
Abe's Oddysee - Hard Edition (Path 1 Start Test) Nab it here: http://filesmelt.com/dl/r1.lvl I haven't added any new cams in this version but I will when I get around to it, changing the graphics is something I can and WILL do but I'm not going to just yet. The reason I am showing this is to see if you guys can even do the first bit. I know I can because I've tested it, but that means nothing if no one else can. |
Nice! can i ask you if you could test this path i made today,its hard as hell when you reatch the middle of the first path :) http://jumbofiles.com/bzw7sfk0yr54/r1.lvl.html
I'm new to this, but I'm eager to try out making some of my own levels! What are the limitations of the tools? And what is LIJI's tool, and how is Paul's tool different?
pauls tool can edit ao and ae,and lijis can only ao as i figured out,and chubfish how did you get that slog to work for you,i cant get him to work properly :(
LIJI's tool can't add and delete objects and same for collisions. EDIT: Only LIJI's tool can change the pitch on mudokons. |
probs with the blocks,also there was a electric gate and a bomb dispanser but they dissapeared,so without the slig the game would be a bit harder to pass, you can improve it if you want ;)
edit: purpouse of the lift.just for fun,but it glitches cuz i dont know how to fix it up if you go ofscreen with it up you will glitch and appear at the bottom :) |
:D i like your stile of building the lvls :D this is gonna be a run trough the bullets try not to get scraped bombed eaten and beaten by sligs scrabs and slogs :D
can you edit the background images? That's what I'd be interested in doing :)
i dont think its possible yet,directly from the editor is a no and manualy i think it is possible for exoddus...
is there any usefull thing to do for that floating mine to make it move?
EDIT: I've just played on your variation Chubfish and I think that it is very good indeed! I like the idea of having to use the Shrykull in order to continue. The only downside in my opinion is that it is a bit short...but that's being picky! I think that you will enjoy my variation once I've finished it! :) |
how about that all of us three unite and totaly remake the rupture farms I lvl that would be fun,everyone 3 paths,so what do you think?
Edit: Oh btw noticed something strange with the slig near the meat grinders, if you run him off the edge so he falls down into the 3rd screen, he won't splat. But if you try to move you'll suddenly appear on the end of the ledge dead :s (the slig, not abe). I guess sligs are not supposed to fall that far or something? |