My website doesn't seem to want to work, so instead I'll upload Abe It here. It's in a zip file called Abe It Pack, which contains both version 1 and version 2(version 2 is just version 1 with doors added, the default V2 levelpack is just one screen - so I included version 1 as well). Here's the list of features:
Version 1:
- Levers
- Barriers
- Sligs
- Slogs
- Up to 15 Screens per Levelpack
- A complete manual
Version 2:
- Doors
- One more screen
- A small bugfix
- No complete manual, but a guide to what's new is included
I don't think it mentions the bugfix in the V2 help file, it's with barriers when changing screens - even though you can't see ones from the previous screen on the new screen, sometimes they're still there(this bug, although affects closed barriers, can only be detected with closed ones on screens where a lever to operate barriers with the same Lever ID are - which doesn't happen at all yet, and due to the bug being fixed, won't happen ever again - it only happened in a level to test Abe It V0, which had Levers, Barriers, Abe and up to 4 screens(2x2 square), and was never and will never be released(I don't even have it anymore! don't ask for it!). If you want your custom levels in, check the V2 help file as it will explain how. Anyway, the Abe It Pack is attached.
*Edit: If you want to play it and don't have LTPB by Interplay, check further down*