i'd like to concur with my brethren that Abe's eyes aren't shiny enough. buff those eyes. make em shine. i want to see the sun reflecting back at me and burning my retinas out. make me blind.
Excellent trailer and screenshots, I think the tone is perfect. Abe himself is characteristically clumsy and exaggerated, yet the world and environments retain a dark and foreboding feel. Overall, the humour seems aptly dark and ironic.
I really like how much thought and attention to detail has gone into the new levels to make them seem more functional and believable, and how the world and canon are being expanded/connected with things like the bolamites, sleeping pods, and the sligs rounding up scrabs!
It seems Abe's barrel ride has been replaced with the stock conveyor belt scene. I actually think it's both funnier and more appropriate, considering it leads to, well, the stockyards. Everything that I've seen so far that's different to the original seems like it could be an improvement.
Which is sort of the problem, right? Until the glare from his eyes becomes actually blinding, rendering the game unplayable, they have not performed their duties in a satisfactory manner. I know you'll get away with this most places, but this is the odwoorld forms. You can't slip this shit past us.
To be honest, Oddworld Inhabitants barely has any of the same staff any more. If anything, it would be dishonest to try and present themselves as the same company they were 17 years ago.
This looks incredible. Just amazing. I really cannot wait to re live my childhood I love how tense the trailer is too! The 2 second paramonian temple bit totally looks ready for a paramite jump scare!
To be honest, Oddworld Inhabitants barely has any of the same staff any more. If anything, it would be dishonest to try and present themselves as the same company they were 17 years ago.
I don't say they should recreate the previous logo animation. Just make it as cool as the previous one
Which is sort of the problem, right? Until the glare from his eyes becomes actually blinding, rendering the game unplayable, they have not performed their duties in a satisfactory manner. I know you'll get away with this most places, but this is the odwoorld forms. You can't slip this shit past us.
you're right. i swayed from the path for a moment, there. it'll never happen again.
this is fucking it, right here. this is the Abe we all know and love. we need this shit in HD.
Oddworld: Abe the last Airbender
Avatar State, yip yip!
Cannot wait to see the full intro now! Abe sounded really good, sure they didn't take the audio from the original? Again, really, really well done, and I'm excited to play it on the big screen!
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
I like to imagine that if I hadn't said anything it would have been entirely forgotten about, unlike every other detail that was painstakingly recreated at great inconvenience.