i reached the end of season 4 before i got bored again. i think.
watched a film called Rampage. does exactly what it says on the tin, a film about a bloke who loses it and goes on a rampage, killing innocents for the sake of killing innocents. it was actually not that bad i thought, although if you do watch it the sheriff in it has the shittiest wooden acting throughout all his scenes. he has one expression and that's it, mild surprise. even when he dies, mild surprise. like "oh dear, i'm dying. well, that's not good. better do something. oh, wait, i'm dead." it's a little like Falling Down, except a lot of people die.
i also watched some amateur film done entirely in front of a green screen. doesn't sound that good i know, and to be honest it shouldn't anyway, because it isn't that good. it's a piss-take of the 300 genre, called The 305. i admit i was high when i watched it but it still tickled me a fair few times. it's as amateurish as they get and a lot of the jokes and running gags are hit or miss, but overall i found it very entertaining. i'd suggest it to anyone who wanted to kill 80 minutes with stupid shit that's supposed to make you laugh.