So, I saw the Evil Dead remake.
It had a lot of gore (and I mean a lot) and most of it was great fun too! It also had quite a lot of references to the original Evil Dead(s), but some of them felt kind of forced and didn't really fit the more serious tone of movie they were going with in this remake.
The parts where the deadites spoke with the haunted voice were actually kind of funny and creepy at the same time, I liked that. Those are pretty much the only pros of the movie though, other than that, it sort of let me down...
The actors weren't too bad, but the characters they played were boring and dumb to say the least, the story is altered quite a bit from the original (it is a remake after all), but definitely not for the better, there are literally fucking tons of jump-scares in the movie (they're all extremely predictable too), there are a few one-liners near the end of the movie that are so shit that I just felt angry after hearing them. It wasn't even because they were cliché, but it seemed more like that the writers thought they were so cliché that people would actually like them. Ugh, dead wrong, they were terrible and fucking annoying. I could keep on listing small or not-so small faults of the movie, but I think you get the point.
Overall quite disappointing, but I hope I didn't describe it too negatively, it was pretty fun to watch with a few friends even though it had a lot of flaws and it's definitely gorier than your average modern horror movie, so if you're into shit like that, you might enjoy it a bit more. I'd probably give it a rating of 5/10. I can't say I'm too surprised though, I was very skeptical of it ever since the first trailer came out, but I wanted to see it anyways.