When I brought that show up in a conversation with Joe he didn't recommend I watch it because I hadn't seen enough magical girl shows to get the references.
Hiding something, Phylum?
No no no.
As I recall, I was recommending Higurashi and you noted that all the pluses I had for that you'd also heard for Madoka which also wasn't a show you intended to watch. I know enough not to push someone so I agreed that if reading up about Madoka didn't strike your fancy and you didn't have an interest in magical girl shows then while still being fantastic, it's not essential. Of course, this was before my second watch through the series where I remembered why I was impatiently waiting for every new episode while it was airing.
Also you probably already know this, but it was written by the same guy who wrote Saya no Uta.
Mami's theme. Way a-head of everything else on the soundtrack.