Hey guys,
I'm sorry I haven't posted here in a long while, but I'm genuinely really pleased to see that this thread is still going strong.
Having a look through I can see some really good variations being made, and it's amazing to see the progress since the first editor versions were made two years ago... I look forward to seeing Wolfenstein's variation of RuptureFarms (my favourite lvl!), and once that's released I'll definitely play it and give feedback.
Also glad to see Paul still going at it!
I wish I had more time (and a faster computer...

) to be able to make more variations myself and spend more time here, but over the last year or so I've had to work incredibly hard with my A-levels and my application for Oxford University - so haven't been able to make time for all this stuff...
Still though, I do intend to play on some of these good-looking variations when they come out and will definitely give feedback on them!
Overall, good to be reading posts from you guys again, and keep at it. It's awesome to see our thread get >2,000 posts!