Only thing I would ask is whether it is just a perspective trick, or Abe really is leaning forward that much? Looks a little off-balance! But looking brilliant so far!
My only issue is that Abe's face looks a bit wrong, his eyes and cheeks look sunk down and saggy like a bulldog's. Also it seems to be just his legs which are tilted forward too much, his upper body looks like its just hunched, like it always was. It's great to see Abe rocking 4 fingers again too.
It's a makeshift pose of a placeholder model that's there to help the gameplay programmer and the environment artists. The very first animation, using the actual model, is being implemented today.
It looks nice, but just a little bit too flat and shiny for my liking. Abe and the metallic domey thing look like they're from a different world than the rest of the scene. Add in some bump mapping and you'll win me over. 
Bump mapping is last-gen. Depth is added to textures using bump mapping, and all the textures have bump maps.
It looks great, but my major problem is with the differences between the platform he needs to jump to in this one, from the original. In the original (while it's made as a tutorial for the hoist function), the giant cylinder underneath the hoist platform does about as good a job as it could have in making the platform's height seem (even just a little) reasonable.
The new version seems to be a giant cement block that raises the next area of the level.
That's definitely getting replaced. Probably not by a metal cylinder, because that stops making sense in a 3D world. It would cut into the wall and barrel behind it.