Okay, now I'm playing
SpaceChem. It's probably the most complicated thing I've ever played. If you liked programming robots as a kid, you'll probably like it.
This is level three. There are fiftysomething. I still made it, though!
Okay, so there are these little carriers - the coloured rings - that grab atoms and trigger commands that they hit.
The "In" commands make the atom or compound on the left appear in that input area.
The "Grab" makes the carrier pick up the molecule on that tile.
The "Sync" prevents the red carrier from moving until the blue carrier hits another Sync command and
vice versa.
Those +/- things in the background are bonding areas. When triggered, they form or break bonds (depending on the command) between all atoms over them at the time.
So, both loops bring in an atom and pick it up, then the "Sync" holds the red hydrogen in place until the blue carbon gets there. Then they run parallel so that Red drops the hydrogen in the bonding area; just as Blue, carrying the carbon atom, runs over the bond command and bonds the two atoms together.
We're not done, we need another hydrogen. So the "Rotate" tile spins our HC molecule to the right and then Blue waits at another Sync while Red goes around to get another Hydrogen. When the Red Sync hits, another Hydrogen gets dropped, Blue moves into position, and another Hydrogen gets stuck to the other side.
Methylene complete, it's Red's turn to wait as Blue moves round to drop the molecule and hit "Out", which sends any molecules on that area of the grid off to the next reactor. Back to "Start"!
Yep, you only can react two chemicals at a time, so you've got to plot out
another flowchart for how you're going to get them to where they're needed.
It's simple in terms of the game, but I can't help but feel slightly proud of myself.
ScrabTrapMan, play it.