Glukkons look funny. It's either this though or they'll go without arms which looks even more stupid - In fact it made me laugh for ages the first ever time I saw it.
The top of villager arms cannot be mirrored, so I cannot have them angled and invisible like the player skin that Phylum made. In fact this looks so stupid, what I may do is forgo the fact that Glukkons don't have "arms" and let the villager mobs keep their entire arms anyway.
Augh, stupid limitations. Wish it was easy to create new mobs without having to require people to download and install modifications.
EDIT: Screw it, this is the only way I can make Glukkons work unfortunately. At least they can be varied too, though.
EDIT 2: I've successfully re-skinned the villagers by re-creating the existing Glukkon skins used in the AO intro movie. Thanks again, Phylum and Mudokon Master!