Why the hell couldn't I have been Sabre-Cat-born? Forget dragons. Those are the deadliest things out there.
I've killed three dragons so far, and I didn't get killed by any of them. That may have been because I had help. The last one was attacking the farms outside Whiterun, and the NPCs arrows are better than mine.
But the second one "I" killed was a bit of a story. There's a house perhaps a click East-North-East of Whiterun which I entered to say hello to whatever poor bastard lives so far out. In moments I set upon by an extremely powerful mage. I feild the house, but he followed me, shooting fireballs that impacted like a small nuclear bomb. It saved just when I left the house, so I frequently found myself dead and restarting in the shit. I ran up a hill, doing my best to dodge fireballs, and was quickly set upon by two sabre-cats while still being attacked by the mage. I was about ready to drop to my knees and curse the gods, when a dragon dropped down and ate one of the cats. My emotions were mixed. "Yes! Another dragon to get!" "Yes! Take that, cat!" "Shit! A dragon! Now? I have no health, magicka or stamina. Curse you, gods!"
Fortunately the mage's fireballs were pretty effective, quickly giving me the chance to land the killing blow, absorb its soul, steal it's bones and scales and get the fuck out of there before the mage finished me off. I was, of course, immediately killed by the second cat.
I had to kill that dragon three times before it finally stuck.
Fucking cats.
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