My day has come! Jet Set Radio Future!!!
Sweet Buddha's left nut, this game is great! So, even though I'm not anywhere close to beating it, I decided to right one of my little reviews:
Story - 5 of 5
Great! It's cool to see that some characters have grown up since Jet Grind Radio, and you also get to meet some of their relatives! The character development is a big improvement, even with 20+/- playable. Plus, insted of 3 rival gangs and the law, you have 6 rival gangs and the Rokkaku goons. Remember those fat pervs, Poison Jam? Well, they've beefed up to say the least, and the Noise Tanks look like something right out of a nuclear winter! One new gang I'm particually fond of, Rush99, is a group of scantly clad, anti-sushi, punker chicks!
Gameplay - 4 of 5
This took some getting used to. I was used to the fast bouncy arcade like Jet Grind Radio. It seems slow at first, but I've adapted. The police fights seem more like boss battles than... well, police fights. But massive enviroments and lots of grinds make up for this.
Graphics - 5 of 5
Cel Shading at it's best! The game has very few "slow processing" times unless you completely plaster an area with graffiti.
Music - 5 of 5
Many tracks, but only a few actually seem to play in the levels. It does have quite a variety. Everything from Japanese punk (yay!), to Hard Core Techno (yay!), to Eminem (BOO!), who seems to get played way too much.
Overall - 10 of 10
It is obvious that the creaters were striving for less of a arcade feel, and make JSRF look more like an Anime Series. They did a great job. If you like anime or cel shading or graffiti or inline skating or electro music and hate cops, than JSRF is for you.