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06-23-2011, 02:57 AM
Sliglover's Avatar
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Question Oddworld audio (how to convert/extract/replace/use)

Sorry for not posting for a very long time. School has been a pain in the ass, especially for a 7th grader. So enough with this, my dilemma is this: how to convert/extract/replace/use oddworld sound files, I know of the Paul's level Builder, but that is only making your game sound wierd (sorry Paul)
So here's the list:
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee: ??? encrypted with game?
Oddworld Abe's Exoddus: SOUNDS.dat, how to open?
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee: sounds are already .wav, which can be opened by a media player like: BSplayer, Winamp, Windows Media player
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath: .fsb files, maybe a fmod media player?
Because sligs, are plain awesome

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06-23-2011, 03:01 AM
Super Stingbee
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I use Audacity to open sounds.dat (will be possible open with other sound programs too)
i cant remember setting i use for sounds.dat : S
Skype: kapteeni13 | Discord: kapteeni13#8873

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06-23-2011, 03:30 AM
Sliglover's Avatar
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Sliglover  (40)

Thanks Kapteeni, btw I found a way to extract the .fsb files for Stranger's Wrath, but have no idea how to open a .celt file yet >.<
Because sligs, are plain awesome

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06-23-2011, 06:56 AM
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Oddworld Abe's Oddysee: ??? encrypted with game?
.vb = WAVE format sound as in sounds.dat in AE
.vh = Tells you where sounds start and end in the .vb

Oddworld Abe's Exoddus:
SOUNDS.dat, WAVE format sound in various frequencies, the .vh files tell you where the sounds start and end etc. The sounds.dat is really just all the .vb files added together
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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06-23-2011, 09:25 AM
Sliglover's Avatar
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Sliglover  (40)

Ok, but how do I open them Paul?
Because sligs, are plain awesome

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06-23-2011, 10:40 AM
RoryF's Avatar
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Ok, but how do I open them Paul?
SOUNDS.dat is openable in Audacity, can't remember how.

As far as I know, nothing can yet open .vb or .vh files.
You can only mess around with them.
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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06-23-2011, 01:52 PM
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I use Goldwave. That opened it fine.

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06-23-2011, 04:07 PM
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Yeah GoldWave or Audacity on the .DAT or AE and and the .VB for AO
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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06-23-2011, 10:50 PM
Sliglover's Avatar
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Sliglover  (40)

Ok, thanks guys, I barely wait to check out those awesome sounds
Because sligs, are plain awesome

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07-05-2011, 02:21 PM
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I've been sticking my old PS1 games into a CD player and finding the music tracks accessible. I don't have my Oddworld discs with me right now, but I assume that doesn't work with them?
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07-05-2011, 02:41 PM
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No, for reasons I'm too sleepy to explain.

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07-05-2011, 02:43 PM
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Ah. Those kinds of reasons.

Well, man up, that never stopped me. You know the ones I mean.
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07-06-2011, 03:08 AM
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I've been sticking my old PS1 games into a CD player and finding the music tracks accessible. I don't have my Oddworld discs with me right now, but I assume that doesn't work with them?
Lots of old games (PC too) did that, but it only works when the music is occasional and extended (i.e. the whole track plays from start to finish), because it takes a certain amount of time for CDs to cue up their location. A side effect of this process is that when data (e.g. a new location) is loaded from the disk, the music stops. The Abe games had music that switches quickly depending on the action on the screen, so it would not have been possible to use this process.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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