Had some spare time today and managed to get a basic grid working and improve collision items.
I found its much easier to move them around now as demo'ed by the screen shot 
Hi Paul, do you think you could possibly release a new editor version, with
just the Collision Items grid-lock feature, within the next week please?
Because I'm planning to make a level over the next month, and really want that grid-lock feature to be in there, for Collision Items, to make the level much easier to make.
I know it will probably be much longer than one month before you release the next
full version, which is why I am requesting for just the grid-lock feature now (seeing as you've already got it working).
So do you think you'd be able to do that?
Thank you very much; I send my great regards for all of your hard work Paul. It's all come along so great since I first asked you questions about editors around two years ago!