I don't know if other people are having this problem. But once I have opened a level in the editor I cannot open another one otherwise the program will crash. I can to close the program then reopen it to open another file. Also I find that the cam extractor crashes a lot. Whether I am trying to extract a cam or place one. Only other thing I can think of is that we need to see more pictures for the objects. For example. When I place a Scrab all I see is a red box. I would like the red box to be filled with a picture of a Scrab.
So if you open the same .lvl twice in two editors? In 0.6? I don't think the cam extractor is part of the editor? Try the Decoder app from my website instead
Also if you feel up to the task of making new images then please feel free

All you have to do is name it like the others and make sure its a sane image size. If you get a nice collection of images for objects send them to me and I will include them in the newer versions.
How will you do that ? LCD/hint fly messages are saved within the AO exe :l
oh and yeah... Awesome work ^^.
By using a hookdll, this is the only way AE back grounds can be done. But its not that simple because there are many game versions so it will have to search for the function that may have moved around.
For the messages we can use high id values outside of what the game is using. The the hook dll will have to do something smart by hooking the functions that get the text, and then return its own text if its out of range.