I don't know, they released this.
Keep in mind they never encountered these issues in testing - it's not like they were all "WELP GAME CRASHES BUT FUCKIT"
Also, new Oddworld.com post:
For those experiencing technical issues with their Oddboxx
Remember: we love you guys and we hate to hear that you’re not having the time of your life with our games, because of technical issues we didn’t encounter in testing.
We’ve heard there are some technical issues being encountered, specifically within Munch’s Oddysee and Stranger’s Wrath. We had these games extensively tested and they both came back clean, so this has come as quite the shock to us.
We ARE working on solving these problems THIS VERY SECOND, and hope to have a patch out to nail all these problems in record time. In the meantime, please make sure if you’re experiencing difficulties, to drop your spec details below in the comments. Rest assured we are looking to fix everything we possibly can.
Nothing has been fixed yet, but considering how quickly they've gotten on top of this, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
Anyway, worth saying again (and maybe putting in the OP): get all of your bug reports for Stranger's Wrath to JAW Ltd.
Make sure to include your PC's specs and details of any issues you are having.
For Munch's Oddysee, still no word on who to report bugs to. For now, maybe let JAW know there are issues, but don't worry about details since it won't be them fixing it. Alternatively, wait until we get some more info.
REMEMBER: Before you report bugs, check all your drivers are up-to-date!