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11-12-2009, 12:57 AM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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: The Flipped Noodle
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slig# 5719  (64)

Flad had started chasing after the other slig (Krivzee). When he heard a loud metallic crash from behind. He spun round to find the snoozer had collapsed. It was holding Anni's leg saying something Flad couldn't quite hear.

Flad noticed two sligs together further down the corridor. One was taller then any ordinary slig he had seen before, nearly big bro size. The other slig looked quite short compared to the tall one.
Flad noticed the taller slig speaking to the shorter one. Then turned in Flad's direction.

"You." The slig pointed at Flad. "You any good with computers? 'Cus I could use some techie support or something."

Flad smiled. "Finally something useful I can do." He thought. "Yeah, my last post was with a vykker monitoring consoles and screens and stuff. He taught me a few things about computers." Flad replied and approached Grace. "It would be better if I wasn't chasing that Mud anyway. He would probably hear me coming from a mile away with these pants."

My DA page.

11-12-2009, 03:42 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Gotta apologise; I forgot about Flad running after Krivzee and SU grabbing Anni's leg (edited my last post slightly for that).

Grace nodded, "The security office is back there. I've been told there are monitors in there that tie in to cameras around the factory. Hopefully you'll find a radio in there too, so we we can stay in touch. I need you to look at the cameras and look for a sign of the native. I saw him earlier; big blue tattoo on his hand, spoocebow and painted spear. If you can find him and let us know where he is, we might be able to creep up on him."

ooc: To warn everyone, I won't be online over the weekend. Things have been pretty exciting all of a sudden
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-12-2009, 07:56 AM
MeechMunchie's Avatar
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IC: Crunchy slowly padded back towards the looming factory. Was this Mud (Hembar) insane? He didn't really have much choice, he supposed. Besides, there was always going to be food in a meat factory.

11-12-2009, 09:03 AM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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I'm going to use an external character but I don't feel like writing down his profile, because we'll probably never see him again, so yeah...single-use character


Somewhere, far away from Rupture Farms, in some secret underground Vikkers facility, in a secured room, (the pretty big and pretty empty type, with tick concrete walls and just one big computer inside) a computer's screen turned red. On the screen, a window appeared :


A few minutes later, the large reinforced doors of the room slowly opened, letting a Vikker in. He got right to the computer. He was wearing a badge on his long, immaculate white coat with the mention : "MAIN DIRECTOR OF VIKKERS ROBOTIC RESEARCH DPT." bellow his name.

"Yes, yes. I'm on it" he said annoyed, taking a little PDA who was emitting a continuous alarm out of his pocket . He slided one of his long fingers across the screen, tapped a few times here and there and the alarm stopped. He sat in front of the computer and read the message. He frowned a little when he read the long error report.

"Now what's that ? I didn't expected it to crash so soon. After all the effort and the years of development we've put in it... Well, this will be fixed in a later update."

He typed the long requested code on the computer's keyboard and confirmed the rebooting of SU-01.

The computer's screen displayed the standard booting message procedure.

Now rebooting system...Done !
Downloading diagnostic.log...Done !
Activating repairing module...

Back in Rupture Farms, SU-01's eyes lighted up in orange. A soft booting sound was heard with some other sounds caused by the general reset of his body. He got up and stood still. After a few minutes during which the repair module did it's job his eyes finally turned back to green. He scanned the surroundings, while recovering his memory. Most of the sligs guards were gone, probably chasing the intruder that was responsible of his down time. The mudokon he was holding the leg before was gone too, probably returning to her work post. Some of the data he collected before being shut down was altered so he didn't know for how many time he's been gone. Anyway the situation seemed fine now. No suspect noises nor movements here. He remembered that warning message he send to the boss computer. It was pretty obsolete now. He disabled it and displayed a green window stating :


Remembering he had to talk to the Executive, he added bellow : SU-01 IS REQUESTING A PRIVATE TALK, WHENEVER YOUR SCHEDULE ALLOWS IT.
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

Last edited by Jimmy-le-sniper; 11-12-2009 at 09:10 AM..
11-12-2009, 09:46 AM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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slig# 5719  (64)

Flad listened to Grace carefully and then replied; "Security office, cameras, monitors, radio. Right, gotcha." Flad could see the door to the security office from where he was standing. He left the two sligs and entered the security office.

Upon entering the security office Flad noticed it was a small room with monitors lining the walls. The monitors where accompanied by keyboards, roughly one keyboard per four or five monitors. Sitting in the corner of the room was a portable radio as well as a microphone connected to the factory speakers.

Flad walked over, picked up the radio and turned it on. "Hello, hello, anyone hear me." He kept the radio attached to his pants and walked over to the screens on the left hand side of the room. the monitors where labeled: "First Floor and Stockyards." "The stockyards aren't of interest to me, but I should be able to follow that Mud's movements. If I can work out how this console works." He thought. Flad started typing away at the console and the name of each camera appeared on it's respective screen. "Excellent now I just need to know where each camera is." Flad started typing away again. This time a monitor showing a Meech and a Mudokon changed to a map of Rupture Farms. Although Flad didn't see what was on the monitor beforehand. "Great, now just to rewind the footage for the camera outside the executive area a few minutes... THERE. now I just need to follow his movements."

Flad continued to alter the camera's footage on each screen to find out exactly where the Mudokon had ran to.

My DA page.

11-12-2009, 01:44 PM
Splat's Avatar
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Grace hurried down the corridor in the direction the mud had run in, Borso (probably) following. He grabbed his radio off of his belt, "This is Grace calling #7 Slig," He barked, "I have a slig in the security office, trying to find the intruder on the cameras, and another with me, looking for it. There is another slig somewhere else, also looking," He glanced at Borso as he hurried along and asked, "What do you call yourself?"
He was moving quickly; it had been a long time since he had been hunting natives (being a general in his later years had ended this particular activity) but he was still able to track the mudokon by the signs he had left, heat on the floor, a smell in the air, but it would only be a few minutes until the trail went cold and he wanted to make the most of it.


Anni managed to sneak away from the sligs without drawing attention to herself, and now made her way downstairs and to the passage at the back of the usable factory that led to the derelict parts of the building. She ran down the passages she knew well until she was deep in the ruins, then stopped and called out, "Somi?"

ooc: Somi is Anni's pet paramite (she has a profile in the profile thread).
As I said earlier, I won't be online over the weekend, so i might post again tomorrow but if you want to move Grace with Borso, Alex, you can (just move him).

Mars, if you still want to talk to Anni, this might be your opportunity Just be aware that I won't be around for a couple of days.

Dionysia is still waiting for #7...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-12-2009, 03:57 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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OOC: About time...I'm sick of hiding.

IC: After outrunning the commotion, Mars was more determined than ever to find Anni. As his legs glow disintegrated as he turned around, only to come face-to-face with Krivzee. Jumping back in surprise, Krivzee slyly remarked "I improved the pant's speed."
'Just shut up, this guy is a joke. This Slig will be a pushover.'
Mars didn't have time to think heroically and prove his sarcastic expression wrong, as Krivzee's expression quickly changed to serious. "Nobody possesses me!" he yelled, charging at Mars. Mars leaped back, not enough without his speed power working as a part Krivzee's gun turned bright orange and brushed his head. The cattle prod only lasted for a second by Mars collapsed, clutching his head, reacting to the searing pain. "OW OW OW OW OW Ow ow owowowowow ow." he grunted, trying not to cry. Krivzee wasn't finished, as he prepared to shoot him. Mars's will was the laziest of all time but he wanted to live. His tattoo flared to life as his sides glowed, and using centripital force he spun to lift himself up, one hand still on his head as his teeth gritted and his eyes fought back tears.

OOC: Mars is 12 mud years.

IC: Krivzee hated this Mud! Being a computer wiz he the one was used to being in control! Not some low-life Mud! As the Mudoken used that stupid blue magic to right himself, Krivzee shot the grappling hook through a second trigger. As the hook flew forward, the Mud dived to his right, but the hook caught him on his left heel (how ironic). He used the Mud's own momentum to swing him into a wall, which loosed the hook. The Mud was dazed as he shakily brought himself up. Krivzee wouldn't let him live, as he fired his gun, pistol bullets this time, at the Mud.

OOC: Having a fight goes so much quicker when you're both characters!

That hit made Mars see stars. And even though that was ironic and rhyming it was no laughing matter. His hand clumsily shook a bit, and his hand slowly glowed bright. His vision recovered just in time to see the slig aim a bullet. Panicing, he dived back the way he came down the corridor, when bullet fired, nailing him in the leg. However, putting too much power in his ring due to the panic made him dive really far. When he landed, he scrambled to his feat, so much panic that he forgot about the pain. He limped to the shadows quickly, in hoped to escape that slig. With his hand to the wall, he limped quickly to the paramites, in hopes Anni would be there.

And he finnaly started to cry of pain.

Krivzee, taking a step back from firing such a powerful gun, looked around. A flash of blue and then he figured the Mud ran like a coward. He looked around but couldn't see anyone, so left to find the boss of the facility.

Mars crept quietly, while avoiding bright spots. The snoozer was back online, and everyone else was gone. Mars, considering his map which was in his pocket this whole time, figured that the paramites were here, some passage away from the working parts of the factory. Oh of coarse, Mars thought. This place was rebuilt after Abe wrecked it. Mars continued limping with his wound. At last he reached the place. Sure enough Anni was there, waiting for something. Mars came up to her right and said "Hi".


IC: Krivzee realized the only reason he came here was because of Guekko. Realizing this was pointless without him, his vizor swithced to GPS so a little map came on, and he went to the entrance to the factory. He arrived shortly, but despite everyone in the factory, he only noticed a Gluk with no shoes.

"Guekko! It's me, Krivzee!" he cried joyously.

OOC: Running two characters can be a pain.
[insert boundless wit here]

Last edited by MarsMudoken; 11-12-2009 at 04:00 PM..
11-13-2009, 12:07 AM
AlexFili's Avatar
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IC: Borso looked at Grace with a mixed expression on his face, "Borso" He was tired of looking like a newbie. "Oh, I think I heard a noise. I'll check this way" Borso was of course lying through his teeth, but he wasn't about to tell Grace that. He headed down the corridor to the right.

He then slowed down and was about to turn to the left when he heard something nearby. Was it someone yelling something in pain? He then saw a bizarre series of events. First there was that grappling hook incident, then what seemed to be a fight. Borso was on the sidelines the entire time. 'If they try to escape, I'll whack them with my rifle', he thought.

I stream games and art now!

11-13-2009, 12:47 AM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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OOC: Both Krivzee and Mars are gone you realize? I'm speaking to Borso of coarse. You're too awesome to insult.
[insert boundless wit here]

11-13-2009, 02:12 AM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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slig# 5719  (64)

OOC: I'm assuming Mars and Anni are on the ground floor.

Flad was trying to track where the Mudokon had ran to when he heard a muffled gunshot. "What was that?" Flad thought.

He pressed a few buttons on the console and the first floor monitors switched to show what the cameras were currently seeing.
Through one of the monitors Flad could see two sligs standing quite a distance apart. "well they must have shot at something." He thought and started looking through the monitors for any sign of the native.

"Aha. There he is limping down some stairs. Lets see now." He looks at the map. "Stairs to grinders that's... JUST OUTSIDE THIS ROOM!" Flad began to leave the security office until a thought struck him. "Hold on if I chase him he will hear me and go into hiding again. Better tell that Slig on the radio he'll know what to do."

Flad lifted the radio from his pants. "Anyone hear me? I've found him. He's going down to the first floor, he looks injured. At the moment he's..." Flad ran over to the ground floor monitors. "...He's... In the corridor. Seems to be going to the back of the factory."

My DA page.

Last edited by slig# 5719; 11-13-2009 at 07:54 AM..
11-13-2009, 03:12 AM
Splat's Avatar
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ooc: Probably my last IC post 'til Monday.

Anni by now is in the derelict part of the factory where there aren't any cameras so... I guess Flad could have seen Anni going that way with Mars following her

Grace followed the sound of the fight and reached the corridor just as Krivzee and Mars cleared out. He took stock of the situation, "I'm guessing that slig caught up with the mud. One of them's bleeding now, anyway, which should give us a clue," He said, noting the trail of blood starting far down the corridor and leading away.

At that moment he received the radio call from Flad, telling him where to find the native, "Good," He replied through the radio, "We'll head down."
He added to Borso, "If this blood trail goes downstairs then we'll know we're on the mud's track. Let's go," And he followed the trail, because frankly he didn't know his way around the factory yet and we was really hoping that this would lead to the mud.

Fortunately it resolved that the trail did lead downstairs, and he turned his radio back on and called Flad (whose name he still didn't know). "Looks like the trail leads into an older part of the factory. I guess they didn't repair that bit when Arnie took over. Listen, there probably aren't cameras down there, so you can come down and join us. Three guns're better than two.


Anni turned around quickly at Mars' word, "Uh, what are you doing here?" She asked defensively, then noticed the fact he was carrying some rather native weapons, "Hey, are you that native the sligs are looking for?" She grinned, "What's your name? Why did you come here?"

ooc: Mars' finally accomplishes his stalking! (joking) And I hope you don't mind Mars bleeding; he did just get shot afterall...
Right, that's me. See everyone in a few days. You can move my characters with yours if you like, but don't make them do anything...

Trouble's a-brewin'...
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-13-2009, 03:36 AM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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OOC: Stalking? ...don't you hate it when you realize what you've been doing in creepy in a sense? I never thought of it as stalking, more as waiting for the perfect moment. Ah well.

IC: As Mars spoke to Anni, she spun around, saying "Uh, what are you doing here?" She then noticed Mars's weapons "Hey, are you that native the sligs are looking for?" She grinned, kinda creepily. "What's your name? Why did you come here?" Mars, overwhelmed by such a frantic response, decided to just answer her."I'm here because I wanted to talk to you. Yes, I'm the native. My name is Mars Leland Morand and I came here because I wanted a job but Arnie saw my stuff and freaked so he called this big slig or small big bro slig and he tried to kill me but I ran away and saw you this mud and an ugly thing so I tried to talk to you but you left and I followed you but the snoozer was there and I said I'm on your side to you but you didn't understand and then I tried possessing a slig but he overpowered me and the snoozer noticed me and tried to kill me but I ran and then the slig I possesed caught up to me and he nearly killed me-" Mars gestured to his leg which he was barely supporting "-and I ran again sneaking till I found you GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSP!!!" Mars gibbered and gabbered lightning fast. As his lungs recovered, he looked behing him.

"Did you hear something?" Mars - a tint of nervousness in his voice - said, reaching for his spear.

OOC: My entire time at Rupture Farms in a sentence. Lol.

[insert boundless wit here]

Last edited by MarsMudoken; 11-13-2009 at 03:39 AM..
11-13-2009, 08:37 AM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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slig# 5719  (64)

The previous post has been changed.

I suppose it would be best for Grace to guard the exit of the old part of Rupture Farms. Just in case anything happens when the Sligs and Mars meet.

Flad heard Grace's reply and watched him and Borso go down to the first floor through the monitors.

Flad saw the native limp into the old part of the factory as the two sligs reached the ground floor. "now just to find the cameras in the old section..." Flad started to search through all the cameras on the first floor but couldn't find any in the old sector. "they must be connected to another set of monitors." He thought, then he saw that the two sligs had reached the entrance to the old section.

Flad heard Grace's voice on the radio: "Looks like the trail leads into an older part of the factory. I guess they didn't repair that bit when Arnie took over. Listen, there probably aren't cameras down there, so you can come down and join us. Three guns're better than two."

"Alright, on my way." Flad replied through the radio. He took a quick look at the map and hurried to the entrance of the old section.

When he reached the entrance he found both of the sligs waiting for him. "Alright, i'm here I had a look on the map and found that this seems to be the only way back into the factory from the old section. I think it would be best if someone was to stay here and stop the native from escaping. The other two will go in and catch him."
Ok, Big guy (Grace) your quite large and scary looking." He said. "I think you should stay here and make sure he doesn't come out. You (Borso) and I shall go in to get the native." Flad noticed he left the radio in his pants. "I've still got this so we can keep in touch" He said to Grace. "Ok then lets go" He said to Borzo and he entered the old section "Better be careful this place looks unstable."

Hope nobody minds Flad taking over since Splat might not be controlling Grace for a little while.

Although I do have a plan to switch leadership duties to Borso soon.

My DA page.

Last edited by slig# 5719; 11-15-2009 at 12:46 AM..
11-13-2009, 03:19 PM
: Jan 2009
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Guekko  (42)

Guekko was still standing near to the entrance, musing to himself about terrorists and Rupture Farms, tapping his claws against the floor as he thought. Well, there wasn't exactly much point in moving from here if there were alarms going off. What if it was thought he was causing the problem, no one would know him after all. He was tapping his claws on the floor with an odd rhythm, where he then happend to look up. His tapping fingers stopped as he spotted a slig nearby, not just any slig, instead he recognised this one.
'K...Krivzee" Came his stutter as he pulled himself away from the wall, "Y-you...work here?"
11-13-2009, 04:07 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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IC: "Actually I just got here. I heard you were coming." replied Krivzee, happy to see Guekko. "I had some trouble with that native terrorist. He possessed me but I was able to fight him off and chase him down. I shot him too. I'm real glad you found these things back in the factory!" he said, throwing his Pisto-hook in the air and catching it. "I was going to find the boss and apply for a job but I knew you were coming so I headed down here. Cmon, we can apply together!" he said, turning for the corrider that he came through. "Let's go!"

[insert boundless wit here]

11-13-2009, 04:54 PM
: Jan 2009
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Guekko  (42)

"Oh." Came the response, Guekko had no idea that more than one even knew he was coming. Well, it wasn't like he was complaining, after all he had been most likely to get lost anyway. "H-how did you know I w-would be coming here? It t-took me long enough to scrape to-together enough moolah for the train." He gave a smile at seeing the weapon, still glad that what he had randomly picked up had some use. He gave a nod at the proposition, "O-of course." He spoke, turning in the same direction and maikng a quick scuttle forward, "I'd...get lost a-anyway."
11-13-2009, 05:48 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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IC: "I have my sources." replied Krivzee for how he knew Guekko was coming. Computer satellites help so much...
"Alright let's go!" said Krivzee, moving to the executive office (GPS FTW), while slowing down for Guekko.
[insert boundless wit here]

11-13-2009, 06:44 PM
enchilado's Avatar
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Too... many... words...!

OoC: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! No! Don't tell me I need to read this ENTIRE THREAD before I post! I skimmed through a bit... I think I'll just join in and eventually get the hang of it. As far as I can see there's some Sligs looking for a native Mud called something-or-other, and Anni with her pet paramite Somi is, I think, on this Mud's side but, as Abe would have said, "I no know." So... assuming it's not illegal to begin a character already working in RuptureFarms... (if so next poster please tell me and I'll edit this...)

[-- ooc --]

Character Sheet:

"Name: Tok (Short for Giltokmukguk), also known as TC14

Race: Slig (Popper)

Gender: (I'm gonna be clever here...) Drone! Ah, haha, ha.

Age: 10 friggin' years, no crazy Earth-Odd-Slig-Whateva shit.

Appearance: He's a Slig. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's it. He's not abnormally small, he doesn't have mysterious scars, he's just a Slig and that's it, get over it!

Personality: He's a coward in essence, is ugly as hell but doesn't care and is jealous of big guns.

Equipment: One (1) Standard Issue Mechanical Pants Mk. II, One (1) Guard Edition Blunderbuss, One (1) Slig Gas-Mask with Infra-Red Capabilities, One (1) Mysterious Stone Amulet, haha just kidding. He does have a nice blue lunch-box though.

History: He was laid (ahem, as an egg. That is... aw, geez!), hatched, trained and sold off to RuptureFarms. Here he worked, happy and with a free supply of Meech Munchies to put in his lunch-box. Unfortunately, some Mudokon freak blew the place up, and he was out of a job! For a while he worked as a security guard for a factory making Soulstorm Brew (tm), but then Abe blew that up, too. He's just secured a post at the reopened RuptureFarms, and is arriving now on the train..."

[-- IC --]

(Oh noes, I just rewrote AGES and I accidentally lost it an now I need to start again )

Most of the passengers on the train were Sligs, although there were some Scrubs down the back, and even a scrawny Glukkon(tm). Rather than having a seperate first-class room to himself, he was sitting with the rest of them; a chump, by the look of him. Tok didn't waste any more time on him, and instead glanced out the window. Against the hazy orange sky was silhouetted the massive, smoke-belching bulk of RuptureFarms, and at once Tok felt a pang of something akin to homesickness. He'd spent most of his life working here - well, apart from the Slig Hatchery and Slaughter School, and a year or two at SoulStorm Brewery. The point was, he felt, suddenly, as though he were coming home at last, and as the rapid chugging of the train slowed, he was the first to stand.
The doors opened, and suddenly everyone was pushing and shoving in an effort to get to the exit first; Tok elbowed a smaller Slig in the chest, and grunted with satisfaction as the other's feet slid out from under him and he fell. Pushing past him as he struggled to rise, Tok then waited a further ten minutes or so as the air of general confusion was sorted out, and people started getting off.
He stepped onto the platform, and looked about him. It was just the same as it had ever been, if a bit charred. He turned slowly on the spot, taking it all in. The pale little Glukkon scuttled out of the train, and Tok noted that he didn't even wear any shoes. Huh.
He turned, then, to face the doors into the main building. He stepped forward. He placed his hands upon them and he pushed them in, and as he did so an alarm sounded in the distance.
Someone was in his factory! An intruder! And he knew what had happened last time... yes, he had come within - never mind that now! the important thing was to find them, whoever they were, before it was too late...

~EDITED: Hopefully it's better now

Last edited by enchilado; 11-14-2009 at 02:54 AM..
11-13-2009, 09:54 PM
MarsMudoken's Avatar
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MarsMudoken  (78)
Oddworld Recap

OOC: How strong is this guy's nose? Since when can you SMELL natives! Also my name is Mars Leland Morand, an here's a list of everyone who's currently posting since you're so lazy (liez):

Yours truly - Mars L. Morand, Mudokon, male (ORIGINALITY LOL ); Krivzee E. Dekim, Slig, male.

Splat - Jim, Mudokon, male; Dionysia, Mudokon, female; Anni, Mudokon, female; Dr. Krik, Vykker, male; Somi, Paramite, female; Grace, Slig, Male (LOL GIRL NAME).

AlexFili - No freakin' clue. NO WAIT! Borso, Slig, male. HA! IN YOUR FACE CONFUSING WEBSITE !!!

Dripik (bows) - Arnie, Glukkon, male; Slig #7, Slig (ZOMG NO WAI !!!), male; Otto, Glukkon, male; Rick, Mudokon, male; RG-49.

Jimmy-le-Sniper - SU-01, Snoozer bot, none (WTF!?!?).

MeechMunchie - Crunchy, don't care, don't know (OMG LAZINESS!!!). Maybe others.

Gretin - Hember, don't know other stuff.

Slig #5719 (I COMMITTED IT TO MEMORY!!!) - Flad, slig, male.

There, a recap.
[insert boundless wit here]

11-13-2009, 10:10 PM
enchilado's Avatar
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Why thank 'ee. I did read the last two pages, and gathered up some of the story, but still... confusing...

Anyway, da Scrubs is smelling of smoke and metal and industrially things, whereas yo Native guys smell like leaves and dirt. And ya could PM me rather than disrupting an RPG

11-14-2009, 12:38 AM
Jimmy-le-sniper's Avatar
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Welcome, enchilado. A rule of this RPG clearly state that you can't start being already in the factory. Of course, your character may have work here in the past but now he have to come back in the factory. Most peoples do it by FeeCo Trains. So if you could edit your first post, that would be nice

PS: You should also read the RPG Rules Thread. It's always a good start

EDIT : SOMEONE PLEASE, BRING DRIPIK BACK ! I know he is busy as hell with his studies, but it's been ages since a post something here, and some people are waiting for him to post as Arnie or #7 Slig
English is not my mother tongue, so feel free to correct my eventual mistakes.

If at first, you don't succeed, Use Yur Imagination

Feel free to check my Deviantart Gallery. I've some Oddworld art in there.

Last edited by Jimmy-le-sniper; 11-14-2009 at 02:31 AM..
11-14-2009, 01:45 AM
slig# 5719's Avatar
slig# 5719
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Ok... Where to begin...

As one newbie to another. Hello
I know it's splat's job to correct mistakes but he won't be here until monday. So I suppose I can help you out
There where only two things I noticed
1. You can't just appear in Rupture Farms.
Most come in through FeeCo Depot (Thats how I did .) However you could come through the entrance on the ground floor. (EDIT: Whoops. Jimmy got there first.)
2. Mars didn't use the lift he used the stairs you came from.

Anyway that's the ugly stuff out of the way. When splat gets back i'm sure he will greet you with a comforting hand on the shoulder and a guide in the right direction .

My advice though would be to meet up with Guekko and Krivzee since they are close to the FeeCo station entrance.

Now for my own note:

Ok. I wasn't planning on using the flashback card just yet but I feel it is relevant to the situation. The flashback will include two temporary characters:
Name: Flad's friend
Race: Slig

Name: Native
Race: Mudokon

There's also a slave mudokon but he doesn't do anything.

Hope I'm not breaking any rules here.

For this post i'm assuming Borzo is following Flad.

Flad and Borso are walking through the old part of Rupture Farms. Flad was feeling nervous about what will happen when they actually find the mudokon. He turned to borso as they walked and said "To tell you the truth... I'm glad your here. about two years ago I had a bad experience concerning a native Mud and I don't want to be around one on my own. There's also something else... at roughly the same time I've started feeling "different" around animals and Muds. I suppose it would make more sense if I just tell you what happened..." Flad began recounting his encounter with a native at Dago's Pies.


Dago's Pies was a small meat processing factory that's business is solely determined by pies. It made all sorts of pies: Paramite, Scrab, Fuzzle...

Flad had been working here for a whole year now and had become great friends with another slig who he met shortly after accepting the job. They where both sent to patrol the stockyards where there was a single Mudokon slave.

The two sligs where talking: "...Aw common Flad you'll be back to beatin' Muds in no time. Look there's one there" Flad's friend approached the slave and hit him over the head with the butt of his gun "see it's easy you'll get it back. common lets see if your feeling better" Flad approached the slave and rose his Blunderbuss. He stopped his arms just wouldn't let him hit the Mudokon. He couldn't bring himself to do it, then suddenly Flad heard a voice in the distance. He looked in the direction the voice was coming from but couldn't see anything. The voice stopped. "Hey did you hear that?" Flad asked and looked at his friend. His friend looked "strange" his stance was different, His eyes seemed glazed. Flad had heard of the signs of possession but had never seen them before now. His friend slowly aimed his blunderbuss at Flad. Flad knew that Sligs never survived the possession process. There was only one thing he could do. He quickly aimed his blunderbuss and shot his friend in the chest killing him.

Flad then saw the native run out from the shadows away from the factory, he looked young.
Flad walked up to his friend's body lying on the ground and began to cry...

-------Back at Rupture Farms ------

"...and that's what happened. I'm no leader and I have no idea how i'm gonna react to this guy. I think it would be best for you take the lead from now on."
Flad waited for Borso to go on ahead. Hoping it wasn't a mistake to open himself to him.

Wow what a long post

Oops spelt Borso, Borzo

My DA page.

Last edited by slig# 5719; 11-15-2009 at 12:43 AM..
11-15-2009, 04:27 AM
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OOC: While having a convo with Nexy yesterday, I got convinced that I should return and sort this place out. It is necessary. (On another note, I still remember what you said about making a character and returning to W@RF, Nexy!)

I'll refrain from using some of the image macros I found recently which would be matching for summarizing my feelings about the current state of W@RF (the one Splat used two pages ago is rather fitting). I've been checking the thread regularly, even if I didn't post in the last... few weeks. What kept me from posting was the general lack of organized roleplaying and the disrespect of the RPG rules in several cases.

The following paragraph was written with your general mistakes and faults from a few pages ago in mind, Mars. You'll see my current thoughts afterwards.

Mars, I'd like to ask you to leave the thread. Right from the start, I had a feeling that you couldn't fit in well. We tried to reason with you on a number of cases, which you ignored and kept on doing whatever you felt like. I won't go on bashing you, since it's not welcome in any of the forum sections, nor do I have the time and energy for it. Wait a few years, observe how forum communities function properly. Then, maybe...
In the meantime, I've read through the 4 pages I've missed, and it seems your characters managed to interact with some of the older members' characters. So I'll have to wait on their opinion on this as well. Until then, consider this as me expressing my thoughts. Nonetheless, you still keep breaking the Post-Per-Day rule - you made three posts yesterday.

On another note, if I haven't mentioned it before (probably not), MeechM, Alex, Guekko, slig #5719 (any nicknames we can use?): you're doing well, keep it up. Older members: you're doing well too, but I don't think you need me repeating that over and over again.

Borso got up, shaking his head. He looked around and saw the office he was about to enter before, the door was now open and Grace was talking to Arnie.
That door have never opened since Arnie closed it. It's obsolete now, so no need to edit it (if it's even possible).


Arnie walked back to his desk, leaving the door. He sat down, thinking about the recent proceedings. "How on Odd did Rupture Farms end up as the number one terrorist resort..." he pondered.

After a few seconds of contemplation, a message appeared on screen. Arnie thought that it was about the package he order a few minutes ago, but it turned out otherwise.


"Oh. I will be noticed. Wonderful." thought Arnie with a sneer, in thought mocking the Vykker scientists and their faulty robot programming. After some time, another message appeared.


"Nope. Not needed." thought Arnie. Somehow, he didn't feel like leaving the Office solely because that, according to the Snoozer, the "situation seemed under control'. Shortly after this, a final note appeared.


"Reply, start." said Arnie to the computer. "We can have the talk if you bring the Mudokon's head along with you. Otherwise, you can tell me here, via these messages."


OOC: Observe how I refrain from posting in the remains of the day.

11-15-2009, 04:52 AM
MeechMunchie's Avatar
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If I haven't mentioned it before (probably not), MeechM, Alex, Guekko, slig #5719 (any nicknames we can use?): you're doing well, keep it up.
OOC: Thankyou that means a lot to me. I call slig #5719 'Hash'. Anyway, I'll button it on the OOCPs.

11-15-2009, 05:42 AM
AlexFili's Avatar
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OOC: Thanks Dripik. I know it took me a while to get the hang of things, but now I should be able to roleplay without being nervous or anything. I think the RPG is doing quite well at the moment, let's keep it up over Christmas!

I stream games and art now!

11-15-2009, 03:35 PM
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ooc: It's been Monday for 17 minutes!

While having a convo with Nexy yesterday, I got convinced that I should return and sort this place out. It is necessary.
How does she keep doing that?!
Just another job I get to delegate, I guess.

Also, Dionysia is still waiting for #7! Though I dunno if her question is all that current any more...

Grace, Slig, Male (LOL GIRL NAME)
Don't say that to his face if you wish to keep your face

Welcome Enchilado and stuff. You seem to have things pretty sorted out now. And you don't need to read the entire thread. You seem to be doing fine.

And all that's left to say is that Rupture Farms' slig-to-mudokon ratio is looking pretty grim again.
5719, if it's ok I'm gonna say they split up to try and catch the mudokon. Seems more sensible than him stopping to guard when there's more than one entrance I hope that's ok.

Grace shook his head at Flad's plan, "I don't know if there are other entrances to this old part of the factory, and it'd be a nice little mess if the native sneaked back in and possessed the boss while I was standing about here," Stupid fool he was, he scolded himself, should have left a rear guard. "You two head in slowly. I'll try and loop around a bit, then you might be able to drive him towards me. If he can keep that speedy thing up, it might be our best chance of getting him. I've got my radio if you need to contact me."

And so he left Borso and the other slig to follow the mudokon's trail of blood, while he tried to creep round the back of it. He didn't really know where it was, but if it was following the other mud, who he assumed couldn't run super-fast, the plan might just come off. Keeping his ears pulled, he entered the semi-darkness of the derelict Rupture Farms.


Anni sort of paused for a moment, trying to work out all of what he'd just said. She was at least able to grasp that he was the one who had spoken to her up in the corridor. "Um, well, Arnie is usually alright as glukkons go, but he's been a bit angry the last couple of days. And I dunno, when he saw you at his door holding a weapon he was probaly scared you were going to attack him."

She stopped when he asked if she heard anything. She stopped and listened, to the background murmur of the factory's machinery, the whistling of the pipes in this derelict half of the factory... "I don't hear anything strange..." She replied. "There are animals down here, though. I'm looking for one now, actually. There's a paramite who I sort of raised..."

She looked around and called again softly, "Somi?" Then she added to Mars, "You know, I think if you hid your weapons they might not recognise you, and you could probably get a job."

ooc: Chronicler appears to have been eaten by moon martians.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

11-15-2009, 04:27 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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OOC: Damn you, moon martians! *shakes fist* (I should not have watched Bill Bailey this weekend ) I think I'll just give Chronicler another week and if there's still no reply I'll move Ralph on, he's spent far too much time waiting for other people in this version of WARF to get stuck like that again.

Also, I just wanna say that Hembar was being very careful to stay out of sight of cameras where possible, though of course it might not have been possible for her entire route.


Noticing the meech still following, Hembar guessed it was going to stick around while she went through the factory. Oh well, hopefully it wouldn't cause any trouble, she might even be able to find food for it or something.

She eventually found her way back to the basement entrance where they had just come out of shortly before. Walking cautiously through the basement, she thought she heard voices.

Making her way quickly but stealthily (the darkness of this part of the factory made that part easy) towards the sound, she caught the word "Somi" called out by a familiar voice...

(OOC: I can't remember whether Anni and Hembar actually told each their names)

She looked around a corner and spotted the pink female mudokon (Anni) and another mudokon, carrying native weaponry (Mars).

Bingo, she thought, it's a native alright..

"You know, I think if you hid your weapons they might not recognise you, and you could probably get a job." Anni was talking to the native mudokon.

Deciding to stay put for the time being, Hembar looked behind her to see where the meech was - she better keep an eye on it, seeing as she didn't want it giving away her position or being eaten by other creatures here, since it wasn't exactly in a good condition to defend itself.

11-15-2009, 04:39 PM
enchilado's Avatar
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Anyone mind if I ask... forgive me... how there's a Meech there?

~I mean, not that they're extinct (not IMOAFAIK), but still... how?
11-15-2009, 04:42 PM
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Anyone mind if I ask... forgive me... how there's a Meech there?

~I mean, not that they're extinct (not IMOAFAIK), but still... how?
Cos people want a 'special' character Oh well.. you can't blame them... Everyone creates some form of weird, special character at some point. Thing is, people just need to provide substantial explanations for them.

Yea.. don't mind me.. Im just here following the storyline!
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


11-15-2009, 05:02 PM
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OOC: Alright Drippy, nice to hear from you and everything and I think I should get some things straight:

1. Fine I made a mistake. I god-modded. But I did edit and change myself to something...weaker.

2. Didn't Splat say something about no IC posts per day but you could OOC 2 or more? Sorry if I'm wrong but...

There. NOW;

IC: Mars relaxed his hand, thinking Anni was probably right. When people were trying to kill you, you can get kinda jumpy. "Well, okay. And I'm not going to just drop the weapons. I'm going to finish what I started. In fact I was thinking...you could say you found a note from me which I would give to you, and It said that this was all a big misunderstanding. Or we could fake that you caught me or something...hmm...what do you think?"
[insert boundless wit here]

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