OoC: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! No! Don't tell me I need to read this ENTIRE THREAD before I post! I skimmed through a bit... I think I'll just join in and eventually get the hang of it. As far as I can see there's some Sligs looking for a native Mud called something-or-other, and Anni with her pet paramite Somi is, I think, on this Mud's side but, as Abe would have said, "I no know." So... assuming it's not illegal to begin a character already working in RuptureFarms... (if so next poster please tell me and I'll edit this...)
[-- ooc --]
Character Sheet:
"Name: Tok (Short for Giltokmukguk), also known as TC14
Race: Slig (Popper)
(I'm gonna be clever here...) Drone! Ah, haha,
Age: 10 friggin'
years, no crazy Earth-Odd-Slig-Whateva shit.
Appearance: He's a Slig. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's it. He's not abnormally small, he doesn't have mysterious scars, he's just a Slig and that's it, get over it!
Personality: He's a coward in essence, is ugly as hell but doesn't care and is jealous of big guns.
Equipment: One (1)
Standard Issue Mechanical Pants Mk. II, One (1)
Guard Edition Blunderbuss, One (1)
Slig Gas-Mask with Infra-Red Capabilities, One (1)
Mysterious Stone Amulet, haha just kidding. He does have a nice blue lunch-box though.
History: He was laid (ahem, as an egg. That is... aw, geez!), hatched, trained and sold off to RuptureFarms. Here he worked, happy and with a free supply of Meech Munchies to put in his lunch-box. Unfortunately, some Mudokon freak blew the place up, and he was out of a job! For a while he worked as a security guard for a factory making Soulstorm Brew (tm), but then Abe blew that up, too. He's just secured a post at the reopened RuptureFarms, and is arriving now on the train..."
[-- IC --]
(Oh noes, I just rewrote AGES and I accidentally lost it an now I need to start again

Most of the passengers on the train were Sligs, although there were some Scrubs down the back, and even a scrawny Glukkon(tm). Rather than having a seperate first-class room to himself, he was sitting with the rest of them; a chump, by the look of him. Tok didn't waste any more time on him, and instead glanced out the window. Against the hazy orange sky was silhouetted the massive, smoke-belching bulk of RuptureFarms, and at once Tok felt a pang of something akin to homesickness. He'd spent most of his life working here - well, apart from the Slig Hatchery and Slaughter School, and a year or two at SoulStorm Brewery. The point was, he felt, suddenly, as though he were coming home at last, and as the rapid chugging of the train slowed, he was the first to stand.
The doors opened, and suddenly everyone was pushing and shoving in an effort to get to the exit first; Tok elbowed a smaller Slig in the chest, and grunted with satisfaction as the other's feet slid out from under him and he fell. Pushing past him as he struggled to rise, Tok then waited a further ten minutes or so as the air of general confusion was sorted out, and people started getting off.
He stepped onto the platform, and looked about him. It was just the same as it had ever been, if a bit charred. He turned slowly on the spot, taking it all in. The pale little Glukkon scuttled out of the train, and Tok noted that he didn't even wear any shoes. Huh.
He turned, then, to face the doors into the main building. He stepped forward. He placed his hands upon them and he pushed them in, and as he did so an alarm sounded in the distance.
Someone was in his factory! An intruder! And he knew what had happened last time... yes, he had come within - never mind that now! the important thing was to find them, whoever they were, before it was too late...
~EDITED: Hopefully it's better now
