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05-16-2009, 11:28 AM
Rampage48's Avatar
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I was Four when AO came out.Ever since then i loved the games.
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05-19-2009, 05:59 AM
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my mum used to play it when it came out, i was about 2 or 3. I used to mess about on it at 3 / 4 lol, im surpised abe didnt give me nightmares
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05-19-2009, 12:49 PM
Rampage48's Avatar
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Im surprised The paramites and scrabs didnt give ME nightmares lol.
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05-19-2009, 01:04 PM
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I think I was about 10 when Abe's Oddysee came out and we bought it shortly after launch (it was one of our first Playstation games, along with Final Fantasy VII). My siblings and I generally played on the same file as a team effort to complete the game (we did this with most games)...with some help from our mother who also enjoyed it XD We played it all the time, even after beating it several times.

We did fairly well, even though we never got anything other than the bad ending. We played with a fairly big handicap, though, since our older-than-time TV was a hand-me-down of a hand-me-down and was half broken. For whatever reason, the screen was permanently aligned off-center, with about an inch on the left side of the screen being completely hidden. However, the image took up the whole screen (there was no blackness on the right side to give an indication it was off-center) and it wasn't for almost years that we realized it was off-center. In games, this caused a lot of problems as parts of the game were hidden - for example, in the Scrabanian Temple in one of the flintlock doors we were stuck for MONTHS trying to figure out how to pass it as there was an inactive well we couldn't activate. Eventually, I got fed up and went step by step over the entire level pressing square trying to activate the impossible puzzle. On the screen with the well, right off to the left on the hidden bit of screen I pressed square and pulled the lever and viola, level completed. On a normal TV, this lever is completely obvious and there's no way to miss it XP
The audio also processed incorrectly and background music/noises were layered over the foreground music/noises.

We eventually got rid of that TV when it quite literally exploded - one day it just started smoking, then sparking, then caught fire. That was the end of that...good times
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05-20-2009, 08:19 AM
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Im surprised The paramites and scrabs didnt give ME nightmares lol.
didnt get that far, the meat grinders were too fast...

shit i saw abe get grinded up at 3yrs old :O
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05-21-2009, 04:11 AM
just_an_(ODD)alisque's Avatar
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I was 12
If you have any problems with my English please feel free to pull the lever to your right.

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06-21-2009, 05:50 AM
hidden's Avatar
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I remember playing AO when I was 7, MY uncle introduced me to it when i was interstate, then I bought AE soon as it came out. I've only got to play Munch's Oddysee last year, then my sister kept spoiling the ending for me so i got pissed off and didn;t play it for a while. Just managed to find a copy of Stranger's Wrath, thought it was a bit different, despite being on another continent yeah?
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06-21-2009, 11:32 PM
Demo One's Avatar
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I played Abe's Oddysee when I was 5. I fell in love with the game. I then forgot about it. I'm now 14 and have started playing it again. I still think it is awesome.
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06-22-2009, 02:36 AM
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I think I was 14 when I first played AE on PC. Can't say that I got the game on purpose, it was the 'free game' of a local gaming magazine. I heard of the series previously, so I decided to give it a shot. Necrum Mines was a rather creepy experience back then, but I loved the cutscenes.

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06-22-2009, 04:50 AM
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06-24-2009, 02:50 PM
fastability's Avatar
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I was 9 or 12 years old when I did played oddworld abe's oddysee. I don't member this clearly. but today my oddworld abe's oddysee is broken in playstation one. it's make me sad
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Last edited by fastability; 06-24-2009 at 02:53 PM..
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06-25-2009, 11:47 AM
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Iv'e only ever played Abe's Oddysee before...
I was about 3 or 4
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06-25-2009, 12:11 PM
SpAM_CAN's Avatar
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I played AE when I was 4... The animal noises at the beginning scared me, so I turned the game off
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06-25-2009, 12:17 PM
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I think I played AO's playstation demo the first time when I was 8. The scrabs in the stockyard scared the fucking crap out of me. In fact the entire factory scared the crap out of me. So empty and scary...
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06-26-2009, 08:44 AM
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13 when I played Munch's Oddysee.

but i got a hands-on first play with Abe's Oddysee (without my young knowledge) when I was 8.

Fancy that...O.o
The Stranger's girl

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06-26-2009, 09:24 AM
DJ9000DEVIL's Avatar
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when i was yong i didn't have AO i just had AE
anyways i played AE [psx] when i was at 4! that was my uncle's (every time i want to borow it he gets mad! XP)
and AO [psx] (demo) when i was at 4!
and i played AO [pc] when i was at 9!
plese visit my youtube channel!:
and my site:http://dj9000devil.webs.com

Last edited by DJ9000DEVIL; 06-26-2009 at 09:31 AM..
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07-03-2009, 09:11 AM
OddYouko's Avatar
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I don't think I even remember how old I was when I first played AO...I must have memory problems or something.

Maybe I was...12..? Yeah I'll say 12. o_O
It was my dad who got me playing it. At first I couldn't even watch the opening cause it was so scary. Right when Abe would say "So...GET ME OUTTA HERE!!"
I'd be like "NOO!! *cries*"
So I quit it for a while and played a different game...until my dad came in and said "Why don't you try Abe's Oddysee?" I said "But it's too hard.."
Annnd what did I do later that day..? Play it of course! Wasn't scared anymore and fell in love!

Now AE..I really don't remember how old I was.
I'd usually watch my dad play...though I'd play it from time to time just not as much as him. Then I was stupid enough to sell it in a yard sell my mom was having a few years ago...
Now I think back in 2007 I went to the store and got another one cause I wanted to play it so badly.
Originally Posted by The Fourth Doctor
Would you like a Jelly Baby?
Sleep well my Abe babe~

April 13th, 2007 - October 14th, 2016

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07-03-2009, 09:30 AM
glukkonlulu's Avatar
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Native AO

well i proberly was 4 or 5 when i started playing AO

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07-08-2009, 07:13 AM
Kareel's Avatar
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I was about 9 when I first played AO. And if my memory serves me right I was probably 11 when I played AE
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07-08-2009, 05:16 PM
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well i proberly was 4 or 5 when i started playing AO
This morning eh?
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07-08-2009, 05:18 PM
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He's 4, the 5 means he just confused.
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07-10-2009, 11:17 AM
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Leeeets seeeeee

I first played oddworld maybe in 5th grade (10 or 11) at a Walmart, playing the MO Demo, where you controlled the snoozer in Vykker's labs. thought it was pretty damn swank.
Didn't think much about it, and I remember a friend of mine (Zach Roy Wilson, a member of this forums long long ago) at school would talk about these creatures named sligs. Everybody else was mean to him, so I kinda was too and didn't think much about that.
Lo and behold, fastforward a few units of time to when I'd help out at my lil bro's kindergarten class. For whatever reason, his teacher had a copy of Abe's Oddysee. I remembered the demo and played a bit, convincing his teacher to let me keep it since it was rated T for Teen and he teaches Kindergarten. >.>
I was looking through the manual and saw the slig bad guys, instantly remembering what Zach had been talking about. That launched a long lasting friendship that more or less remains to this day (he's a drastically different fellow) and soon after I got AO too but sadly no longer have a working Playstation to play them on (I have AO for pc and PSX and AE for PSX) and the emulators on the computer don't work all to well. But since I recently got an Xbox, I've been playing MO and SW quite fine.

There's my answer

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07-12-2009, 07:45 AM
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I started playing when I was about 9 because I got it late LOL!
I kept asking my brother to play it but he didn't half the time XD!
>> oddmatics.co.uk <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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07-15-2009, 08:03 AM
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well i proberly was 4 or 5 when i started playing AO
CRAZYoddworld glukkonlulu
What that about CRAZY Oddworld?

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07-15-2009, 09:59 AM
MA's Avatar
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he's been going on about it, crashpunk. i think he's a fan.
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07-15-2009, 11:41 PM
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A fan? A FAN? I'm thinking maybe that's a bit of an understatement.
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07-17-2009, 11:25 AM
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Oh right :P sorry guys!

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07-21-2009, 02:31 PM
Pippymint's Avatar
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Wow I'm really feeling old now! I was 22 (going on 23) when AO came out (1997 it came out on PS1 right?)

AO and AE are still top of my all time favourite games.
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07-22-2009, 06:49 AM
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toxicallpro  (106)toxicallpro  (106)

I was 14 when AO came out on 9/17/1997. I picked up my reserved copy after school that day and immediately began dumping many hours into it. However, the summer before that was when i received my Playstation Underground Demo Disc, so that would have actually been the first time i played it. It is now twelve years later, i'm working on a Bachelor's Degree in Video Game design, and I still consider Oddworld to be one of the best games ever made.
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08-01-2009, 04:21 PM
Tristan-117's Avatar
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I remember playing the very original ps1 demo on the "demo 1" disk that came with our Playstation. I was about 4 or 5. I fell in love with the demo and soon after my dad bought AO and AE for it. That was many years ago and now I can't find the disks so I bought them off Steam when they were released as the double pack for like 5 bucks or something. I play 'em 24/7
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