You people must be out of date

I live in Hong Kong and most enclosed space elevators are fast and get you there in no time. So there is not time to sit or poke the person next to you.
The highest is skyscraper here is 86 storeys I think and you get to peer outside while you go and down and most the high one do. So if you suffer from vertigo then hold on tight.
If I am alone I tend to look out at the sights and or wait watching the display reaching the desired floor. If I am in with a group and would talk work or games etc. This helps pass the time. The more people talking the more oxygen used up. By time you get to the 40th floor, you be choking and struggling each other to stop talking. This had happen to me once. Me and group of friends did it as a joke. We didnt believe that it will work. Try it...if you dont believe me. You might like it.