*Steps up on soapbox*
Oh My G-d.
Moses Adam Noah on a frucking 40 cubit Ark.
Sweet mother of Lilith, Jesse, and Mary Magdalene.
It's racist to criticise a belief? A fecking belief? That's the most moronic, idiotic, fascist wad of crap I have ever heard. (You aren't moronic, but you're belief (or the one you are representing) is)
I'm sorry, but beliefs are not races, they are freely chosen, and they should be questioned and inspected. I suppose it's racist to say Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is retarded, or that my belief that Abe Vigoda is watching me and molesting me as I sleep and that I'm really God's servant Saawaewty sent by Native Americans in UFOs to kill pedophiles and eat cities is now protected, and anyone criticizing it is to be jailed and killed.
I respect others. I don't respect others beliefs, and with G-d as my witness, I will give a good slap round the head to anyone who forces me to respect all beliefs, no matter how asinine or dangerous they are. I don't hate Muslims, Scientologists, or other delusional members of pseudoreligious cults. I hate their religion, but love them as persons. This is not like gayness, where a person cannot change it and it doesn't harm them mentally or physically, this is like pedophilia or believing Hitler was God.
Islam is a choice. Scientology is a choice. Pastafarianism is a choice. Christianity is a choice. Judaism is a choice. Satanism is a choice. Naziism is a choice.
Have we become so PC you can't even say someone's beliefs are retarded?