Hmmmm, you must not like shooters. Well, I think we can all agree its better than Halo 2. Also, Xbox Live is a blast, here is a convo I had.
Me: Your just a 20 year old with no life.
Asswipe:Bitch!? I thirty and gotz lotta money, what you talkin bout?
Me: I'm terribly sorry, you're still 30 and still talk like that, didn't realize you have mental issues.
Asswipe:Bitch, what you talkin bout.
Me: Talking about you cursing off teens cause they beat you every time.
Asswipe:bitch, I do it for fuh!
Me:I'm sorry, "fuh" isn't in my vocabulary
Asswipe:Bitch, **** you
Me:No, I am not homosexual unlike some people here.
Asswipe:Bitch-*is booted out*