Okay, okay. When I was a little kid, it happened to me all the time. So I invented this cheesy prevention (not in the common sense) device: LIE. For example, if you're in bed at night and you see something that looks like a ghostly face in the corner of the room. First step -
Locate it. Already did that. It's in the corner of the room. Next step -
Identify it. Creepy as it is, walk up to it and inspect it. That's when you get to find out that you were paranoid and it's only a plastic bag. And last step -
Eliminate it. Even if you know it's a bag, it
still looks like something weird, so that it won't freak you out again, put it away. Done!

And you'll never be seeing people in your room again.
And yeah, about 3 years ago when we lived in the old apartment, the closet doors had mirrors on them. And when I got into bed, I could see the entire bed and the wall behind me. So I always slid them back so that I can't see my reflection...
That problem's gone now, I can sit in the dark in front of a mirror all I want and not feel the least bit bothered.
There's a fun but cruel trick I play on little kids in my house who are afraid of the dark. I dare them to stay in my bathroom (darkest room in the house) for one minute. Since most of them don't want to come across as pussies, they go...little do they know that there's a skull painted on my door (by me) in glow-in-the-dark paint.
Mean I know
But then of course I come in and show them it's nothing to worry about, and I only do it on or around Hallowe'en