That just laughable, and it goes back to my soda can example of someone pretending to be an artist. Come on, a glass of water. Thats bullshit.
It doesn't make me think anything. All it does is make me laugh at the people who actualy bought the mind twisting story and displayed it at a museum.
I will never admit to the fact that you can put a simple glass of water in the same context as some big painting such as the Mona Lisa or Dogs Playing Poker.
Thats because the latter two are in fact works of art. And seriously... if you call a glass of water a work of art, there is something seriously wrong with you...
Exactly. The fact that it pisses you off so much is fulfillment of the artist's intent. It's
supposed to make people go "WTF. This isn't an oak tree. This isn't even art. It's a glass of water." So obviously, the "work" is successful. Read on.
It's also satirical in nature (I think you missed that fact), which is why you're
supposed to read the pamphlet. Like I said, it's good for a laugh, but it also just makes you say "What the heck was this guy thinking?!" which is what Used is trying to discern.
Hell, if you weren't so busy being a stubborn little ninny about it, you could have used it to reinforce your argument, instead of just going "BLAH! THIS ISN'T AN OAK TREE AND YOU'RE STUPID FOR LIKING IT!" or whatnot. After all, in this piece it seems that the artist is giving a mundane object a false label, because practically every physical sense tells us that the artist is incorrect. How is this any different than the "artists" that you despise so much? Just because you label an object as a certain "something," whether it be a glass of water as an "oak tree" or excrement smeared on a canvas as "art," does not necessarily mean that anyone else other than the creator will want, need, or be able to view it as such.
That is the message behind this piece.
So it would seem that you and the artist agree on more than you previously thought. Like I said, the piece is largely satirical in nature, and I think you're interpreting it as if this guy was 100%, dead serious about his tree glass thing.