Has anyone played this game. If so, did anyone end up in the hospital with a heart attack? F.E.A.R has to be one of the best horror games I have ever played. Resident Evil eat your heart out!
Unlike many of the other horror games out there, such as Resident Evil and Half Life, F.E.A.R isn't packed full of zombies that are posted in places you don't expect them. There are no monsters behind doors, no headcarbs jumping out of airvents and no zombies trying to eat your brains. Noooo, F.E.A.R approuches the horror element in a totaly diffrent way. It messes with your head. The music, or lack there off, is enough to make you think twice about what you're doing. And the second you start the first level the game gives you a very firm message that you never know what will happen. In classic horror games, you can often overview a room, or a hallway, and say: Okay something is so going to happen here. Or vice versa. F.E.A.R has the same situations, but you'll always be wrong. Everytime you think it's save, you'll scare yourself to death. And everytime something is going to happen, you'll sweat yourself while you walk trough a hallway where nothing happens. And unlike some traditional games, the music doesn't give the scare moments away. You just walk right into them and give you a heartattack.
Next to that great ellement of the game, there are also the graphics. You can clearly see that a lot of work has been put into the game's engine. The lighting is extremely realistic and your own shadow will scare you to death on more then one occasion. Also, this is (and I'm not kidding) the first FPS where I can actualy see my own feet when I look down! Revolutionary

It's to bad that the anti-alliasing of the game is rather cheap, resulting in the great graphics of the game looking a bit edgy and blockie. However, after playing for a few minutes and having encountered your first scare, you won't even notice that anymore.
Anyway, to those who want to know what the game is all about. You are the new fish in an elite squad, the First Encounter Assault Recon, F.E.A.R. You have been chosen to be part of this squad for your super human reflexes. During tests at your training, recordings had to be played in slowmotion just to be able to see what you were actualy doing. It's a special ability you will be using very thankfully in the game.
The first mission you are sent out to is right away a nasty one. Some guy has taken controll of an army of 'replica's', an army of cloned soldiers that can be controlled and commanded by one psyhic commander. Your objective is to take out this guy and regain controll over the army. But greater powers are at play here, powers no-one is aware of... yet.
This is absolutely a very awsome game. And I dare anyone who wants to play this game to do so in a completely dark room, in the middle of the night, just your monitor, and put headphones on. It will be the thrill of a lifetime. Me and a friend, we're not even touching this game unless we're playing it together. We're not realy into scary stuff as it is, and this game is way over the top.
F.E.A.R is a game that will hunt you long after you have stopped playing. Which is what makes it such a great game. But no 13 year old kid should be allowed near it. They will have nightmares over it.
So, anyone else play this game. If so, what did you think?