Heh, yeah the boys all flock in... They want to be girls. Worrying.
Awesome piccy! XD I lovez it!
- Rexy
If they wanna take a swing with Stranger, I bet he wouldn't mind.
Although, I think he'd rather dance with girls.
And yes, the thought of his tango-ing and waltzing is quite a hilarious thought. XD
But sadly, I only did this thread fer that.
If you want to see more of my artwork, which I've been posting up slowly, check out my thread, "My "oddities"," that'll be all o' the junk I've done.
But not to worry, I scan my pics as soon as I can, which is when I have my friend for.

I'm workin' on s'more, and hopefully, I can scan this weekend.
So if yer interested, go and check's it out.