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Dark Elite_H2 04-24-2006 04:17 PM

To all the girls of Oddworld...
(If this is wrong, admins have the right to slap me with a wet noodle)

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, preferrably the ladies.

I've been plannin' this fer a while, and I think it may be the right time to give this out.

Girls of Oddworld stun us with our wonderful art and inspiring fan stories.
To me, that's total dedication to Oddworld; how much we love the weirdest installment of games, but yet magical.

Dedication, to me, is the people showing the love of something that's spiritual to them.
Boys, we congradulate you too, fer makin' Oddworld art (Dippy), and great fan-fictions (Abeguy)

But ladies, this is yours.
I dedicate this, to you;


Cullen Heath 04-24-2006 04:46 PM

Wow, very impressive!
Sorry, f I wasn't supposed to post here, but I couldn't help it. I had to see if this was some evil plot thread for all the ladies here...

Anyways, great job on that!

Slaveless 04-24-2006 04:52 PM

Sweet. This is really for those lovely ladies out there. But I guess I can't take a swing with Stranger. :D

Anyway, this is really impressive. I would wish to see more art from you, but that would be rude to make you give us more your beautiful art.

Abeguy 04-24-2006 09:00 PM

LOL haha, thats funny

very nice:D

T-nex 04-24-2006 09:07 PM

looks like this thread attracts more boys than girls :p... So typical...

BTW it's very cute :D Stranger is a really charming person...

LoboDiabloLoneWolf 04-25-2006 12:08 AM

*falls over laughing*

That's brilliant Darky! Abso-floggin'-lutely fantastic! *drums knife and fork on the table, chanting* We want more! We want more! We want more!

Ahem...just wondering...why are you guys all here!? :lol:

PS. Can't dance, but I'll nick the hat. :evil:

...Stranger can dance?


Dancing Steef 04-25-2006 12:12 AM

:lol: that's so cute:D *drums knife and fork on the table, chanting as Lobo* we want more, we want more:D


Matriar 04-25-2006 12:33 AM

Wow, very cool thread Dark Elite_H2! Really!
And I love this Stranger picture :D:D:D! So funny. You're a great artist :)

...if I only could dance :crying:

T-nex 04-25-2006 01:51 AM

I can dance... almost :p... BTW did you forget to finish the hat?? :p

Dark Elite_H2 04-25-2006 02:04 AM

The problem was, I couldn't finish the hat right...
I kept makin' it wrong...and I'm a very picky person...
It was like...I made his head look square...>.< And he a square.
But what surprises me, is not how many boys posted, which is kind'a awkward, but how many posts I got over the night.
Well, I'm glad you guys 'n girls like it. The shading was an ass, but I got it almost right. :D

Dancing Steef 04-25-2006 02:22 AM

you sure are talented with the shading DE:D and please, post more soon:fuzwink:


Annouka-BadCat 04-25-2006 09:08 AM


PS. Can't dance, but I'll nick the hat. :evil:

Not if I nick it first you won't!:D

Anyway... that really rocks DE :D I luff it!
Still, I find the idea that Stranger could actually dance quite funny XD not that he could be any worse than me if he tried... :fuzemb:

Havoc 04-25-2006 09:12 AM

Very nice picture, and I like the idea :D. Care to dance? :P

Good work, keep it up!

Rex Tirano 04-25-2006 09:46 AM

Heh, yeah the boys all flock in... They want to be girls. Worrying. :p

Awesome piccy! XD I lovez it!

- Rexy

Dark Elite_H2 04-25-2006 10:44 AM


Heh, yeah the boys all flock in... They want to be girls. Worrying. :p

Awesome piccy! XD I lovez it!

- Rexy


If they wanna take a swing with Stranger, I bet he wouldn't mind.
Although, I think he'd rather dance with girls. ;)

And yes, the thought of his tango-ing and waltzing is quite a hilarious thought. XD

But sadly, I only did this thread fer that.
If you want to see more of my artwork, which I've been posting up slowly, check out my thread, "My "oddities"," that'll be all o' the junk I've done.

But not to worry, I scan my pics as soon as I can, which is when I have my friend for. ;)
I'm workin' on s'more, and hopefully, I can scan this weekend.

So if yer interested, go and check's it out.

skillya_glowi 04-25-2006 12:04 PM

Well im at school so I can't post my art yet, but you can see it in ... fum... a thred called...Okay, here come my art thread. I think it's still in there...

Matriar 04-27-2006 05:07 AM

Wonder, what kind of dance Stranger would do.
Jazz, blues, salsa (:lol:),... rock 'n' roll ? :D

Dark Elite_H2 04-27-2006 11:19 AM

Oh jesus...what'a image that'll be...XD

Stranger and Umi- Doing the salsa

Umi: OW! You stepped on my foot again...

Matriar 04-27-2006 11:28 AM

:lol: LOL! Poor Stranger, it's hard to dance right with four feed.
And poor Umi with... uhm.. now, only with one food:D
Allright, let's do a tango :p :D

(BTW, what means XD?)

Dark Elite_H2 04-27-2006 11:30 AM

I dunno...
Tango's a twisted dance of some sort...not like the Salsa, oh god no.

Matriar 04-27-2006 11:46 AM

:fuzemb: Hmm... I didn't really know much about the tango.
I think a simply waltz would be nice too... but yes, I'd like to see Umi and Stranger are doing salsa too:D What do you think? Could you eventually draw that? :D

Dark Elite_H2 04-27-2006 11:48 AM

Yeah, I'll try.
That would be hilarious, they way I would do it...:happy:

Matriar 04-27-2006 11:52 AM

Really? Cool! I'm looking forward for it :D
And don't worry about Stranger's hat. Just try it :) I'm sure, it will be nice!

Dark Elite_H2 04-27-2006 11:55 AM

Yeah...I make his head look square...and Stranger ain't a square...
Nor is he round...

Matriar 04-27-2006 12:03 PM

Oh hell, no! Never draw a too round hat :p ! Goodness gracious me! :lol: That looks so ugly on Stranger's head. Trust me. I noticed it, when I sketched the hat, some time ago:p Rather, you draw it too square than too round.
But that's just me :happy:

Dark Elite_H2 04-27-2006 12:05 PM

That outburst just cracked me up :too round (pfft):

But still, to me, too square and/or too round gets on my picky side. it really sucsk >.<

Matriar 04-27-2006 12:14 PM

Well, I hope you'll make it!
Good luck with that ;)

HobbitNinj 04-27-2006 02:09 PM

WOW!:love: Must... resist.... urge...to ...glomp....

Dark Elite_H2 04-28-2006 02:10 AM

Hobbit? I think you must leave now, 'fore you do something we mayt all regret. ;)

Dark Elite_H2 04-28-2006 10:43 AM

Ha ha!
I've finished most of the drawing, now all I need to shade, and it'll be complete.
And I think all y'all will love it.