This is ridiculous, muslims and non-muslims have depicted the prophet throughout history and not a peep has been heard from the muslim world; I have personally seen paintings much more insulting to Muhammad than these recent cartoons (anyone read Dante's Inferno?).
Portrayals of Muhammad throughout history
Muhammad actually did feature in a South Park episode once- "Super best friends". I have not seen the episode in question so I can not comment on it.
I don't know why the muslims have been so aggressive over these caricatures (when seeing the cartoons I got the feeling that the artist/s was rather taking the piss out of himself for drawing them and thinking that he would get away with it.) I see nothing of real offence in the drawings but rather it seems more like an European non-muslim's perspective of how Islam is being protrayed by the muslim world. And frankly the muslims are not doing anything to reverse this perception. (But rather aggravate the situation by burning embassies and threatening to attack the countries they live in). Sometimes I do despair for my muslim brothers and sisters.
But what has really gotten me upset is that this situation has made me realise that the vast majority (or at least the vocal proportion) do not adhere to the principles and values set out in the Qur'an.
Firstly there is no ban on depicting the prophet in the Qur'an.
Secondly, even if there was, should such a ban really be extended to non-muslims? The Qur'an forbids the consumption of the meat of swine, however that prohibition does not extend to those who do not believe in the authority of the Qur'an.
Thridly, Muhammad was not the only prophet sent by God, according to the Qur'an, so what really disappoints me is why the muslims make such a fuss over depiction of Muhammad, but say nothing about pictures depicting Jesus, Moses or Abraham.
Fourth, the Qur'an mentions the mocking of the prophet by his opponents during his lifetime yet tells the prophet to ignore their taunts, only say to them "peace" and leave their company. (Muslims these days like doing the opposite of what their book says). I would post verses but I fell that this is not the right place to do so. If any wants references from the text regarding this they can pm me.
Cheer! Well said and I like it. I mean, they do all believe in the same basic principles with a few differences, for example Jews don't believe that Jesus was the son of God, just a very good Rabbi(sp?). And in the Islamic religion God is called Allah (or am I hideously wrong with that?).
Yes! The God of the jews, christians, and muslims is one God, the God of Abraham. (Allah is just the condensed form of the arabic Al (The) Ilah (God), so Allah just simply means The God (i.e. the one and only)).
Sometimes I wish people would focus not on the differences but rather the similarities we have in common. We are after all just one big family.