slig barracks enrolment form.
Please note the following is to class you sligs into the appropriate troop classes , failure to comply with the following will result in execution.
yours faithfully
v.p Aslik
magog cartel
1. A mudokon refuses to work , and the gluks sends you in to "negotiate " , how do you do it?
A. stuff the gluks , i dont give a fat rats about some pissed of green guy.
B. " persuade " him with your cane.
C. Two blitz packers , ' nuff said.
D. beat the hell outta him.
E. execute him on public television
F. pick him up and chuck him in the nearest " recycling unit "
2. A local gluk pulls you into his office for a special dilemma ( 2 ply toilet tissue in the barracks toilets to be precise ) how do you dress for the occasion?
A. Who can be bothered seeing him anyway , watch the late show instead.
B. Sparkley jewel encrusted suit and hat with a gold tipped cane
C. Battle fatigues ' nuff said
D. Stuff dress code , mechanical pants is all you need
E. Youve got a tight schedule , go to the meeting tommorow.
E. Wearing all your badges in a formal military manner.
3. Youve just finished a company raid on a mudokon village , what do you plunder afterwards ?
A. You were to busy sleeping and missed the raid altogether.
B. Some valuable mudokon jewels.
C. Ancient mudokon weapons for your collection.
D. Food , and lots of it , the cafeteria food at the barracks is crap.
E. Anything that will look good on your show.
F. Grease , makes sure your pants and other mechanical components run smoothly.
A Scrab has invaded the barracks , what do you do?
A. Stuff the bloody scrab ! yer mates can take care of it!
B. Run away and hide , and hope he doesnt find you.
C. two blitz packers ' nuff said.
D. Join a really big gang of sligs and hunt him down.
E. Broadcast the situation on " magog on the march"
F. Bah ! find him first! promotion here i come!
You finally geta day off , how do you spend it?
A. You werent working hard enough and didnt get a day off .
B. Shopping spreeeee!
C. Go to the local n.r.a meeting , and sign up for a mudokon hunting weekend.
D. Go to the local pub , play a game of cards and get hitched the next morning.
E. Prepare for your shows next season all weekend.
F. Flying school ( do yer homework! )
A slacker insults your mother , what do you do?
A. eh ? ignore him altogether , you were too busy watching the late show.
B. Insult him right back!
C. two blitz packers ' nuff said.
D. Agree.
E. Broad cast his insult on t.v , it was a good insult , and needs to be shared.
F. Run away crying.
You finally get a t.v break , what do you watch?
A. Any thing thats on . Even coronation street.
B. any thing that involves dancing , or pimping
C, The army surplus channel
D. Any thing yer mates are watching
E. Yikes! you enjoy the news!
F. Flyers of war.
MOSTLY A'S - You are the biggest lazy sh*t this side of oddworld , Slacker class!!!
MOSTLY B'S - Its all about glitz and appearance , youre lulus new valet!
MOSTLY C'S - Battle , steroids , and bloody big guns , tsk! looks like youll be in big bro class tommorow
MOSTLY D'S - Well , looks like your just an average joe , your a normal popper
MOSTLY E'S - Entertainment is your shiz , your the new executive anchorman for " magog on the march "
MOSTLY F'S - Soar like a bird , sting like a fleech , flying class is your thing!
Please hand in this form to the nearest slig enrolment admin as soon as possible.
V.p Aslik
I think my first one was heaps better. For some wierd reason , it wont let me make this a poll
Last edited by outlaw king; 02-12-2006 at 10:18 PM..