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02-11-2006, 12:54 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
Bola Blast
: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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outlaw king  (10)
Happy slig barracks enrolment form.

Please note the following is to class you sligs into the appropriate troop classes , failure to comply with the following will result in execution.
yours faithfully
v.p Aslik
magog cartel


1. A mudokon refuses to work , and the gluks sends you in to "negotiate " , how do you do it?

A. stuff the gluks , i dont give a fat rats about some pissed of green guy.
B. " persuade " him with your cane.
C. Two blitz packers , ' nuff said.
D. beat the hell outta him.
E. execute him on public television
F. pick him up and chuck him in the nearest " recycling unit "

2. A local gluk pulls you into his office for a special dilemma ( 2 ply toilet tissue in the barracks toilets to be precise ) how do you dress for the occasion?

A. Who can be bothered seeing him anyway , watch the late show instead.
B. Sparkley jewel encrusted suit and hat with a gold tipped cane
C. Battle fatigues ' nuff said
D. Stuff dress code , mechanical pants is all you need
E. Youve got a tight schedule , go to the meeting tommorow.
E. Wearing all your badges in a formal military manner.

3. Youve just finished a company raid on a mudokon village , what do you plunder afterwards ?

A. You were to busy sleeping and missed the raid altogether.
B. Some valuable mudokon jewels.
C. Ancient mudokon weapons for your collection.
D. Food , and lots of it , the cafeteria food at the barracks is crap.
E. Anything that will look good on your show.
F. Grease , makes sure your pants and other mechanical components run smoothly.

A Scrab has invaded the barracks , what do you do?

A. Stuff the bloody scrab ! yer mates can take care of it!
B. Run away and hide , and hope he doesnt find you.
C. two blitz packers ' nuff said.
D. Join a really big gang of sligs and hunt him down.
E. Broadcast the situation on " magog on the march"
F. Bah ! find him first! promotion here i come!

You finally geta day off , how do you spend it?

A. You werent working hard enough and didnt get a day off .
B. Shopping spreeeee!
C. Go to the local n.r.a meeting , and sign up for a mudokon hunting weekend.
D. Go to the local pub , play a game of cards and get hitched the next morning.
E. Prepare for your shows next season all weekend.
F. Flying school ( do yer homework! )

A slacker insults your mother , what do you do?

A. eh ? ignore him altogether , you were too busy watching the late show.
B. Insult him right back!
C. two blitz packers ' nuff said.
D. Agree.
E. Broad cast his insult on t.v , it was a good insult , and needs to be shared.
F. Run away crying.

You finally get a t.v break , what do you watch?

A. Any thing thats on . Even coronation street.
B. any thing that involves dancing , or pimping
C, The army surplus channel
D. Any thing yer mates are watching
E. Yikes! you enjoy the news!
F. Flyers of war.

MOSTLY A'S - You are the biggest lazy sh*t this side of oddworld , Slacker class!!!
MOSTLY B'S - Its all about glitz and appearance , youre lulus new valet!
MOSTLY C'S - Battle , steroids , and bloody big guns , tsk! looks like youll be in big bro class tommorow
MOSTLY D'S - Well , looks like your just an average joe , your a normal popper
MOSTLY E'S - Entertainment is your shiz , your the new executive anchorman for " magog on the march "
MOSTLY F'S - Soar like a bird , sting like a fleech , flying class is your thing!

Please hand in this form to the nearest slig enrolment admin as soon as possible.
V.p Aslik

I think my first one was heaps better. For some wierd reason , it wont let me make this a poll
Thanks for this oddish!

Last edited by outlaw king; 02-12-2006 at 10:18 PM..
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02-11-2006, 01:16 PM
Havoc's Avatar
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Nice. And fun. I got mostly A's :P.

Also, shouldn't this be in Fan Corner?
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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02-11-2006, 01:37 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

I got to be a flying slig. Word. Now I'm one of the most hated sligs in a buisness.
On the postive side, I can throw a grenade at my boss.

Last edited by Slaveless; 02-12-2006 at 04:07 PM..
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02-11-2006, 02:39 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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Wow. I'm-a average joe popper.
...doesn't make any difference 'nyways. I'm-a loner, and that's how I'll stay. :shrugs:
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

My main page ^^

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02-11-2006, 06:44 PM
Daxter King's Avatar
Daxter King
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I got mostly C's. So I guess I'm a big bro slig!
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02-11-2006, 06:50 PM
Abe16's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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D is my thing. Another great test outlaw king!
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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02-11-2006, 08:03 PM
HobbitNinj's Avatar
: Oct 2005
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Yay! I'm a Slacker!
Truth is stranger than fan fiction.

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02-11-2006, 09:19 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
Bola Blast
: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
: 441
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outlaw king  (10)

I think ive found my true calling. POLLS!!!
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-12-2006, 12:31 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)


...Okay...so what if you got one of each? I got an A,B,C,D,E and an F...

So confused!

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02-12-2006, 05:26 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

That would call for another question. But how do we make an addition to this quiz? *Looks at outlaw king*

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02-12-2006, 08:39 AM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
Cullen Heath
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I'm Lulu's new Valet Slig!

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02-12-2006, 10:03 AM
dripik's Avatar
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I would be a BigBro or a normal Popper. Both are OK with me.

Good one, outlaw.

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02-12-2006, 02:37 PM
Kamille's Avatar
Spark Stunk
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Kamille  (10)

mostly e's yeah thats the way
Macross forever.

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02-12-2006, 10:12 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
Bola Blast
: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
: 441
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outlaw king  (10)

That would call for another question. But how do we make an addition to this quiz? *Looks at outlaw king*
Done and done! ill edit the poll
Thanks for this oddish!

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02-13-2006, 01:08 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
: The moist country of the UK
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Wey! Bog-standard popper, I have a place in life! Huzzah!

Great quiz OK

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03-03-2006, 10:27 AM
mk-ultra.net's Avatar
: Feb 2006
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mk-ultra.net  (10)

Cs where all my answers, so then i guess i am a big bro slig ...
All the Cs where of the typical slig`s personality, in everyday-to-day duty.
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03-03-2006, 05:28 PM
Abeguy's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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c's, BIG BRO!!! woot, what i did was convert my letters into numbers, found the average, and turned it back into a letter. 3.4 therefor closest to a C

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03-05-2006, 03:42 PM
metroixer's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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I got most c's! Big bro steroids here I come? Wait this will hurt? O_o
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03-05-2006, 04:36 PM
Nepharski's Avatar
Riot Slug
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I got mostly Bs, which means I have a life of glamor, but it also means I'm Lulu's personal valet.

Even when I win, I lose.
Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
Check out The Chronicles of Virgil. It's coherent!

"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist

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03-05-2006, 06:19 PM
outlaw king's Avatar
outlaw king
Bola Blast
: Feb 2006
: The shivering isles!
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outlaw king  (10)

I never knew there was life in this old dog! Well , i guess its not THAT old , but you guys should check out my " Outlaw army " Poll , thats much , much better ( in my opinion )
Thanks for this oddish!

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03-13-2006, 06:59 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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I turned out as a normal joe pooper. guess all the glory cant be mine...
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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03-14-2006, 10:55 AM
Biggy Bro Slig's Avatar
Biggy Bro Slig
Clakker Store Clerk
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Biggy Bro Slig  (24)

MOSTLY C'S - Battle , steroids , and bloody big guns , tsk! looks like youll be in big bro class tommorow
Hehe...I'm already a Big Bro Slig. In my name and in my form.

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03-15-2006, 11:55 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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I'm a mixture-1/3 valet, 1/3 Big Bro, 1/3 popper, and a tiny bit of flying slig as well. If I had to pick outta the 3, I'd want to be a valet most-longer life expectancy and probbaly better pay/conditions. Plus you sometimes get to be on TV!

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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03-19-2006, 03:54 PM
ZakoGrunt's Avatar
: Mar 2006
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ZakoGrunt  (10)

I got mostly Ds. Yeah I'm a Slig Popper!
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