My point was that it took us 200 hundred years to get where it took most other countrys thousands of years. We have made more innovations in industry and technology than any other country. My point is that you don't know shit about America and I don't know shit about whatever country you are from. So shut the fuuck up on your anti-American bullshit.
Don't be stupid dude, when America was founded it hitchhiked along with already existing technology. It's not like America is a seperate culture. The initial American cities were founded by the Dutch, my country. The British eventualy took it over and build America up with their existing technology. So what you are stating isn't even logical. Fact is that all the other countries developed the technology that was needed, and from that America was build up.
You might have had a lot of technological breaktroughs, but that also was with the help of the rest of the world. Especialy the last decade or two.
Fact is that America needs some serious work on quite some things. Not only on a moral level, but even still on technological leven. Because I know for a fact that in quite some places America is actualy quite a bit behind when it comes to technology.