Give me a list of games you like and games you used to like. I will give you enlightenment. Kinda like that vending machine thread, only MUSH LESS POOPLES.
Well ones I still like are:
all metroid games(duh!)
Links awakening I still play for fun
Soul calibur 2 has good gameplay
Both animal crossing games
Mario Kart
Crono Trigger (Only because I still can't beat that damn last boss! Evil game!

...Nothing else is popping up right now.
Once that lost it:
Metal gear games
Halo (get a gun,shoot,repeat it gets boring.)
Sonic games (Well only the new ones. It feels like they are missing something.)
Mario platformers(Hopefully that new sidescroller for DS will get me hooked again.)
That's all I can think of for now....