If that's what you meant then it came from me noticing that there seemed to be some disagreement over the meaning of the word, which was important to discovering the reason why that word was chosen as the name.
Oblivion is sometimes used in reference to a kind of destruction that involves removing something from the known universe by sending it to a place where it will never be retrieved or it cannot escape.
Ahh, okay. I get it now. I think they were leaning more towards the second meaning, seeing as how that's the more well-known one, and plus Oblivion is just about hell, so yeah. Makes sense.
Well oblivion isn't about hell. Oblivion is a state of removal from the world, so it's like a "death", which is why it's confused with being a hell.
Chaos is the hell-like realm that most people also sometimes confuse with Oblivion. Oblivion is confused as being a realm because things are described as being sent "into oblivion" as though it were a place, but it's really a state of being.
In warhammer Chaos is known as "the warp", and it is here that the decadent energies of the Eldar built up to eventually spawn Slaanesh, who immediately killed the Eldar whose minds were responsible for his creation (talk about biting the hand that feeds you). [/factoid]
A good example of oblivion would be if you were to send an email to someone who had blocked your address - the email itself would be said to have passed "into oblivion" as it will forever remain in an unread state until the universe collapses, at which point it will not have existed. In this regard oblivion is considered a sort of condemnation.
More enough on character creation and such. The system has superseded all of my previous expectations. It's just going to be so hard to choose only seven major skills!
One snippet from the audio states: "We are moving the launch of Elder Scrolls IV to our Second Quarter based on Bethesda Softworks requiring addtional development time to ensure the title meets gamer's high expectations..."
Read the above articles for more info.
Publishers can't just blatantly lie about these things, so I'm taking it to heart at the moment.
I got a flannel to wash my face! When it get's dirty I feel disgraced. Do you like Horlicks? Do you like chps? I've got a hundred pairs of lips.
I about crapped my effin' pants when I saw that Oblivion got pushed back, mainly because I spent all of my money on prepayment for the console and the game, and now I have no game for which to be in the state of playing* on my shiny new Xbox360.